Take simple descriptions of calendar events and transform them into an ICS file that can be imported by various calendar applications.
The simple descriptions look like this:
date time duration reminder subject
04/09/2011 11:30am 1hr 15min Jenna's soccer
One event per line. In this example, 1hr is the duration and 15min is the reminder.
The duration and reminder can be any of these forms:
15min 15m 15mins
1hr 1h 2hrs
1day 1d 2days
Use "-" for no reminder.
For all-day events, replace the time and duration fields with "-":
4/9/2011 - - 15min No school
Dates are in the form mm/dd/yyyy. If the year is specified it must be four digits. If the year is not specified, the year from the previous line is used or the current year if there is no previous line. If a given event recurs over several days, you may specify only the dates for the 2nd and subsequent occurrences.
5/24/2012 9am 1hr 15min Status
Times are in the form hh:mmap. hh is one or two digits. mm must be two digits if present. If ":mm" is missing it is assumed to be ":00". "ap" can be any of: AM, PM, A, P (caseless).