
Docker images to run firebase admin sdk in the cloud for firestore and remote config + other random firebase stuff

Primary LanguagePython


Sourced from many brilliant tutorials from google, i am just dumping all my code here for now as i figure out how things work.

I have developed some rough cloud builders that are designed to be used on google cloud platforms cloud build


make sure your cloud build service account has the Firebase Admin role given to it

python remote config

in the /pythonRemoteConfig directory, we will demonstrate how to use the remote config rest api script with cloud build

  1. build your docker image and publish it into container registry
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/<your gcp project>/uploadremoteconfig .
  1. once your cloud build has finished building your docker image, run the tests
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .

Now check the logs in cloud build.

You can refer to https://cloud.google.com/cloud-build/docs/running-builds/start-build-manually for more details

python firestore

Here is something that posts up sample data to your firebase firestore database with firebase admin sdk

in the '/pythonFirestore' directory, you want to build your image and run it on cloud build.

  1. build your docker image and publish it into container registry
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/<your gcp project>/uploadfirestore .
  1. once your cloud build has finished building your docker image, run the tests
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .