
quickly check for any projects on your computer that require git actions to be up to date with origin

Primary LanguageShell


To see all overrides navigate to: https://github.com/MichaelDimmitt/my-bashrc-git-overrides

Git Check Computer Command

quickly check your computer for
projects that require git actions to be up to date with origin

quickly check your computer projects with

  1. files not tracked
  2. changes not staged
  3. changes not committed
  4. changes not pushed

Current supported environments:

💻   Macintosh
🐧   Ubuntu - Linux

If you want support for your platform please open an issue and I will upload shortly.

How it works

The persist file

  1. a prompt asks for your git directories within the home directory delimited by spaces.
  2. if no input is provided the home directory is used as a default.
  3. all git projects are found within git directories listed using the find command.
  4. the folders found are added to a ~/.persist file

Try it out without downloading the package:

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelDimmitt/git_check_computer/master/git_check_computer.sh)

Homebrew package

coming soon

Demonstration, Use Existing Persist File


Demonstration, Create Persist File
