A simple Dart package exposing a Color class which can be used to create, convert, and compare colors.
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dose Color package contains HSVColor class
#29 opened by guyluz11 - 0
#28 opened by hacker1024 - 0
#2 opened by Goutte - 1
strong mode compliancy
#12 opened by sircco - 1
Error when using dart2js trust types & primitives
#15 opened by jimmyff - 1
Updating for use with Flutter
#18 opened by Skquark - 1
Importing blocks access to Color.lerp
#22 opened by TonyMilton - 5
Alpha component?
#4 opened by jolleekin - 2
Publish 2.1.0 to support Dart 2.0
#21 opened by bkonyi - 2
Dart2JS build fails
#10 opened by CarrKnight - 2
Generate lighter or darker color
#5 opened by GeReinhart - 0
hslColor missing toHexColor
#6 opened by isaacbernat - 1
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