IoT Demo


This repository is part of a series of three, which in combination resemble an Internet of Things ( IoT ) demo-environment, based on the 3-Layered architecture of

These layers can - and in this demo will - be made out of a set of Red Hat JBoss products, each taking over an important part in the IoT landscape


Sensors & Actors

For this demo-setup, I decided to build physical sensors and actors, based on the ESP8266 microprocessor and various sensors. The documentation on how to build such a sensor can be found in my blog

As of now, I have two different physical devices

  • ESP8266 with DHT22 reporting

    • temperature

    • humidity

    • voltage of ESP8266 power supply

  • ESP8266 with LED

    • reporting voltage of ESP8266 power supply

    • turning LED on and off on command

Both, reporting and action-on messages are received/transmitted via MQTT and a wireless connection, using the WLAN adapter of the ESP8266.

If you rebuild this demo environment, the Smart Gateway will provide the MQTT broker and wireless access hub for this.


This document will not replace the instructions needed to build a sensor or flash an ESP8266, for this you will have to read the relevant websites.

If you do rebuild the demo environment, then there is nothing to change. The Smart Gateway will provide a network in the subnet with being the ip-address of the MQTT broker to which the sensors connect.

If you should need instructions on how to adapt this to your needs, please let me know by creating an issue.