Foundation 6 : A Bolt CMS Theme using Foundation 6 CSS

Using This Theme

  • Check template files for now ! — theme.yml


== ToDo / Goals: * Workflow ? Separate header, body & footer sections into separate .twig templates. Separate foundation components in separate .twig templates. ** Create one or more designs per section & component mentioned above.

  • Twig Template inheritance and hierarchy

    • each page inherits as following:

    • TemplateName.twig > _master.twig > includes/_master_layout.twig

    • for each include template, look for

      • 'template_name.contenttypeSlug_entrySlug.twig'

      • 'template_name.contenttypeSlug.twig'

      • 'template_name.twig'

  • Move all dependency management to npm & remove bower

  • Create template files for pages with foundation6 support

  • Feature list & Add-ons

  • Markup validation check

  • Accessibility check

    • more blocks:

      • header_top, header_bottom,

      • main_top, main_bottom,

      • aside_top, aside_bottom,

      • page_top, page_bottom,

      • footer_top, footer_bottom,

== Problems & Bugs: * Navigation animation : start slide down animation on mobile from behind the title-bar . * Foundation CSS : Find out why foundation.css & foundation.js from bower package are not working as expected! * How to keep page content centered on full with page? ** Answer: wrap MAIN content in a .container by default; and add .container class to .content-wrapper when full width/ no sidebar.

== Changelog:

=== v0.1.0 * updated grunt.js with: * option to copy zurb-foundation-6-prebuilt/css/foundation.css to /THEME/css/froundation.prebuilt.css/foundation.css

== Credits: * Used alot of code from