This is my 2022 Fall Capstone Project. It's a calendar / time management React Native app.
You can view the full documentation / report by clicking the link below. https://github.com/MichaelHeinzman/FT/blob/main/FT%20Capstone%20Project%20(Final%20Draft).docx%20(1).pdf


Language : Typescript
Framework : React Native
Database : Firestore
Authentication Service : Firebase
Design Tool : Figma

Tryout App

To view project go to this link and download the expo go app


I haven't had time to setup full types and checking of data. There are a lot of bugs and a lot of features that I want to add in the future. Definitely would have done this differently now that I've completed the main features. I think I would start over just to see how it would turn out since I learned so much about building calendars and coding in typescript by doing this project. DEFINITELY looking at Apple's calendar and Google's and have gained so much respect for the quality of build they have.