This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.


This project follows the challenge for 1 & 3 outlined in the following repository:

Getting Started

If you want to pull the code locally on your machine: Please insert your own .env files || database connection strings. Mine are exposed as they prisma is having an issue reading environment variables.

The .env file will need 2 heroku databases(cloud), OR a database that has permissions for creating a new database.

First, install local dependencies:

npm install

To seed prisma, run migration, and view your database interaction run these commands in order

npx prisma db seed

npx prisma migrate dev

npx prisma studio

Finally, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

First Nextjs project ever

To start this project I first familiarized myself with the official Nextjs tutorial

First project ever

Implementing Prisma was an absolute joy. Super easy, and was able to follow their docs to do exactly what I wanted to accomplish.



  • Completely learn Nextjs
  • Completely learn Prisma
  • Completely learn Formik
  • Relearn CSS grid


Day of receiving the project: March 25, 2022 Day of completion: April 15, 2022

I worked on the project primarily Mon-Fri between the hours of 8am and 12pm MDT (I estimate roughly 10-15 hours a week).

I believe the estimated total time on this project took about 20-30 hours of labor.