MichaelJHarvey's Stars
Use ActiveRecord transactional callbacks outside of models, literally everywhere in your application.
Ruby on Rails
The Ruby Programming Language
:house_with_garden: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Tailwaggr is a Flutter-based mobile application that aims to connect pet owners with veterinarians, pet keepers, and a supportive community of fellow pet enthusiasts. Our app provides a platform for creating profiles, finding professional pet care, engaging in discussions, and reuniting lost pets with their owners.
Get your loadshedding schedule in your calendar and never be left in the dark! Open-source, up-to-date, and developer friendly.
Peak Performers - GeoCode - The GeoCode project is inspired by the popular Geocaching app. Instead of using physical geocaches, QR codes (called geocodes) will be hidden and can be scanned by participants to view the contents of the discovered geocode.