
Learn 2 Learn is a study-help application based on research-backed, optimal study practices. This is the front-end project for Learn 2 Learn. This project uses Next.js and is bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Running the Application

First, clone the git repository into your local environment. Proceed to run the development server with the following package.JSON script (You will need to install a package manager, either Yarn or NPM):

npm run start:dev
# or
yarn run start:dev

Accessing the Application

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the live application.

Deployed on Vercel

This Next.js app is deployed using Vercel Platform, a deployment framework and service created by the creators of Next.js. Check out Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Import Organisation

Imports are organised in the following order:

  • Library imports
  • Custom functionality
  • Styles & design
  • Custom components