
An Android app that utilises the GoRest API to display a list of users, providing the ability to add new users and remove existing ones.

Primary LanguageKotlin

User Management App

A simple app that displays a list of users from https://gorest.co.in/, allows you to add new users, and remove existing ones by long pressing.

Built using Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1


Potential first-time build issue

If you get either of the following build errors when first building this project

Expression 'android' cannot be invoked as a function. The function 'invoke()' is not found  
An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'com.android.library']

this is an issue with the kotlin-dsl-precompiled-script-plugins plugin, for which the following workaround exists:

  1. Please ensure that you have configured Android Studio to build this app using Java 11 first (see below)
  2. Comment-out everything in the following Gradle scripts (located in the buildSrc folder):
    • common.gradle.kts
    • commonFeature.gradle.kts
  3. Once you have done this, run a Gradle sync and wait for it to fail (this time the error should be something like Unresolved reference: implementation)
  4. Revert the commented-out files and Gradle sync again
  5. All subsequent builds of the project will now build successfully

Ensure that you build the app using Java 11

Android Studio -> Settings/Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle -> Set "Gradle JDK" to '11'

Add your Go REST API key

Update the GO_REST_KEY value in keys.properties with your API key from https://gorest.co.in/

Module structure

  • :app - Code that launches the app & integration tests
  • :buildSrc - Gradle configuration that will be used in all modules (e.g. dependencies, versions, plugins, etc.)
  • :data - Repository interfaces which are exposed publicly and their implementations which are kept internal & bound using DI
  • :network - Service interfaces for communicating over the network which are built internally & provided using DI
  • :userList:feature - View layer for the user list feature (composables, viewmodels, etc.)
  • :userList:domain - Domain layer for the user list feature (usecases)
  • :core:ui - UI elements/extensions that are/can be shared across the application
  • :core:models - Model classes that are used throughout the application
  • :core:extensions - Extension functions that are/can be used throughout the application
  • :core:test - Unit test utilities, also exposes all required unit test dependencies
  • :core:uitest - Integration test utilities, also exposes all required integration test dependencies

Tools/frameworks used

  • MVVM design pattern
  • Jetpack Compose for UI
  • Hilt for dependency injection
  • Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous programming
  • Retrofit for building network services
  • OkHttp for building HTTP clients
  • JUnit5 for unit tests