
The purpose of this repository is to store source code for System Patch Manager prototype

Primary LanguageGo


The purpose of this repository is to store source code for System Patch Manager prototype

Prototypes evaluation


This is the guide how to test Go prototype:

  • Terminal 1
docker-compose up --build db platform # start database and platform-mock
# wait for messages to be send (>>>>>>).
  • Terminal 2
docker-compose up --build go # run go application
# you should see this output:
# {"@timestamp":"2019-11-06T11:48:14Z","duration":0.374642801,"items":30,"levelname":"info","message":"batch finished","write/sec":80.07627510771253}
  • Terminal 3
cd prototypes/go/scripts
./list.sh | grep '"id"' | wc -l # check expected number of returned items (30)
./list.sh # see output
./get_host.sh 1 # get item of id 1, check content
  • Terminal 4
docker-compose up --build ab # run apache benchmark (n - requests, c - parallel)