Adding Distibuted tracing to New Rleic for Android Classes send the correct trace data to New Rleic and a formated newrelic header to pass to other support New Relic Services. This dies require the developer to add the tracing to the code. The example I will use is with OKHttp but should work with all of the HTTP libraries.

  • mobileApplicationID is found when a mobile app is created and the URL last set of numbers is the mobileApplicationID.

  • accountId is found after a successful login on the URL as the first set of numbers.

  • insights InsertId is generated in the insight user interface under manage API

  • appname is the text name of the app. best practive is to name it the same at in the Mobile Monitoring UI

  • startTrace(URL) is the URL to be used in the request. PII is important so all URL parameters are moved.

  • addCustom(attribute_name, value) enables the user to add any extra data as it will display in the Distibuted trace UI

  • StopTrace() will stop the trace and send the data to New Relic.

     OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
     NrDistributedTrace nrdt = new NrDistributedTrace("mobileApplicationID", "accountId","insightsInsertId",NewRelic.currentSessionId(),"appname");  // New Relic Distibuted tracing Code
     String nrHeader = nrdt.startTrace(URL);  // New Relic Distibuted tracing Code
     /* End Start DT */
     Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder();
     builder.addHeader("newrelic", nrHeader);
     Log.i("dt", nrHeader);
     Request request =;
         try {
             Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
             nrdt.addCustom("responseStatus" , response.code());
             nrdt.addCustom("weather", "rainy");  // New Relic Distibuted tracing Code
             nrdt.stopTrace();  // New Relic Distibuted tracing Code
             return response.body().string();
          } catch (Exception e) {
             e.printStackTrace();   }