
๐Ÿ”Ž Customizable pretty-printer for tinybench benchmarks

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


๐Ÿ”Ž Customizable pretty-printer for tinybench benchmarks

Minified Minzipped



  • Output for CLIs and markdown
  • Build your own columns
  • Change column order
  • Handles unicode & truncation
  • Customizable count formatting:
    • none
    • shortest
    • highest
    • lowest
    • mean
    • thousands
    • millions
    • billions
  • Customizable duration formatting:
    • shortest
    • highest
    • lowest
    • mean
    • nanoseconds
    • microseconds
    • milliseconds
    • seconds
  • Sorting:
    • false
    • asc
    • desc
    • Function
  • Uses Intl.NumberFormat for localization and removing insignificant fractions
  • Customizable header titles, styles and alignments
  • Customizable row styles and alignments
  • Customizable borders and border styles
  • โ€ฆ


npm install @monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer
yarn add @monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer
pnpm add @monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer

Getting Started

import { Bench } from 'tinybench'

const bench = new Bench()


await bench.warmup()
await bench.run()

Using Defaults

import { tinybenchPrinter } from '@monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer'

const cli = tinybenchPrinter.toCli(bench)
import { writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'

const markdown = tinybenchPrinter.toMarkdown(bench)
await writeFile('results.md', markdown)

Using Options

import { tinybenchPrinter } from '@monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer'

const myCustomPrinter = tinybenchPrinter

    // Display ops/sec in millions exclusively:
    .ops({ method: 'millions' })

    // Pick a time formatting method based on the mean duration of all benchmarks,
    // and tweak some styling for that column:
        method: 'mean',
        rowAlignment: ['center'],
        rowStyle: ['bold'],

    // Sort ascending instead of descending:

    // Decrease the default padding:

    // Remove some borders to make it more compact:


Configuring Default Columns

import { tinybenchPrinter } from '@monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer'


        // Change the header title:
        header: 'name',
        // Change the header style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        headerStyle: ['bold'],
        // Change the header alignment: (left | center | right)
        headerAlignment: 'center',

        // Change the row alignment: (left | center | right)
        rowAlignment: 'left',
        // Change the row style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        rowStyle: [],

        // Change the column text of the fastest result:
        fastestTitle: '๐Ÿฅ‡',

        // Display as "10x slower":
        method: 'x',
        // Display as "-90%":
        method: '%',

        // Change the header title:
        header: 'summary',
        // Change the header style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        headerStyle: ['bold'],
        // Change the header alignment: (left | center | right)
        headerAlignment: 'center',

        // Change the row alignment: (left | center | right)
        rowAlignment: 'center',
        // Change the row style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        rowStyle: [],


        // Display value as-is:
        method: 'none',
        // Display all rows in thousands, eg. "10K":
        method: 'thousands',
        // Display all rows in millions, eg. "10M":
        method: 'millions',
        // Display all rows in billions, eg. "10B"
        method: 'billions',

        // Choose from the above, favoring the shortest possible option for each row:
        method: 'shortest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the highest ops/sec of all benchmarks:
        method: 'highest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the lowest ops/sec of all benchmarks:
        method: 'lowest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the mean ops/sec of all benchmarks:
        method: 'mean',

        // Change the header title:
        header: 'ops/sec',
        // Change the header style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        headerStyle: ['bold'],
        // Change the header alignment: (left | center | right)
        headerAlignment: 'center',

        // Change the row alignment: (left | center | right)
        rowAlignment: 'right',
        // Change the row style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        rowStyle: ['blue'],


        // Display all rows in nanoseconds, eg. "10ns":
        method: 'nanoseconds',
        // Display all rows in microseconds, eg. "10ยตs":
        method: 'microseconds',
        // Display all rows in milliseconds, eg. "10ms":
        method: 'milliseconds',
        // Display all rows in seconds, eg. "10s":
        method: 'seconds',

        // Choose from the above, favoring the shortest possible option for each row:
        method: 'shortest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the highest time/op of all benchmarks:
        method: 'highest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the lowest time/op of all benchmarks:
        method: 'lowest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the mean time/op of all benchmarks:
        method: 'mean',

        // Change the header title:
        header: 'time/op',
        // Change the header style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        headerStyle: ['bold'],
        // Change the header alignment: (left | center | right)
        headerAlignment: 'center',

        // Change the row alignment: (left | center | right)
        rowAlignment: 'right',
        // Change the row style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        rowStyle: ['yellow'],

        // Change the header title:
        header: 'margin',
        // Change the header style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        headerStyle: ['bold'],
        // Change the header alignment: (left | center | right)
        headerAlignment: 'center',

        // Change the row alignment: (left | center | right)
        rowAlignment: 'center',
        // Change the row style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        rowStyle: ['magenta'],

        // Display value as-is:
        method: 'none',
        // Display all rows in thousands, eg. "10K":
        method: 'thousands',
        // Display all rows in millions, eg. "10M":
        method: 'millions',
        // Display all rows in billions, eg. "10B"
        method: 'billions',

        // Choose from the above, favoring the shortest possible option for each row:
        method: 'shortest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the highest ops/sec of all benchmarks:
        method: 'highest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the lowest ops/sec of all benchmarks:
        method: 'lowest',
        // Chose from the above, based on the mean ops/sec of all benchmarks:
        method: 'mean',

        // Change the header title:
        header: 'samples',
        // Change the header style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        headerStyle: ['bold'],
        // Change the header alignment: (left | center | right)
        headerAlignment: 'center',

        // Change the row alignment: (left | center | right)
        rowAlignment: 'right',
        // Change the row style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        rowStyle: ['magenta'],

Adding Custom Columns


You can also use this to overwrite the default columns!

import { tinybenchPrinter } from '@monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer'


    .column('my-custom-column', {
        // Return the string that should be displayed in each row:
        }) {
            return String(task.result.hz)

        // Set the header title:
        header: 'ops/sec',
        // Set the header style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        headerStyle: ['bold'],
        // Set the header alignment: (left | center | right)
        headerAlignment: 'center',
        // Set the row alignment: (left | center | right)
        rowAlignment: 'right',
        // Set the row style:
        // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)
        rowStyle: ['blue'],

    // After you set up your columns, you need to define which columns to display,
    // in what order:
    .order(['name', 'summary', 'my-custom-column'])

Rendering Options

import { tinybenchPrinter } from '@monstermann/tinybench-pretty-printer'


    // Change the order of the columns and/or drop unwanted ones:
    .order(['name', 'ops'])

    // Change the sorting method used:
    .sort(tasks => tasks)

    // Change the locales passed to Number.toLocaleString:

    // Change the NodeJS.WriteStream that is used to detect the maximum available width:
    // Force a custom max-width:

    // Change the padding between columns:

    // Customize which borders should be used:

    // Change the style of all borders:
    // (see https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors/blob/main/types.ts)

    // Customize the borders:
        top: 'โ”€',
        topLeft: 'โ”Œ',
        topRight: 'โ”',
        topDivider: 'โ”ฌ',

        bottom: 'โ”€',
        bottomLeft: 'โ””',
        bottomRight: 'โ”˜',
        bottomDivider: 'โ”ด',

        left: 'โ”‚',
        right: 'โ”‚',
        divider: 'โ”‚',

        separator: 'โ”€',
        separatorLeft: 'โ”œ',
        separatorRight: 'โ”ค',
        separatorDivider: 'โ”ผ',