
A C test harness that looks and behaves like C# NUnit

Primary LanguageC


A C/C++ test harness that looks and behaves like C# NUnit

I developped this because I so enjoy using NUnit but found the corresponding CPP Unit not up to the same standard.

It is cross platform but needs more development on the NIX side to properly read in the test list from the elf DLL headers.

It is designed to work on code that supports exceptions and the standard template library.

If people find this interesting I could look at getting some more work done on it. It is already pretty functional but coudl use some hammering on. Just let me know

This is offered as a support to the development community if any find it useful. It is done in the spirit of an open license. That is, you can use it freely but not package it up to sell. Not sure if that is enough for the lawyers but you should be able to get the gist. Also, if you find this useful, let me know.

And, oh by the way, it is currently name MRTest after my intials. Not that I am a megalomaniac or anything. It is just that every time I though of a name someone else beat me to it. So, until I or someone else gets a great idea that it how it will stay. Sorry