-It is a good demonstration of how to integrate react/redux with django-rest-framework to build a fully functional web application.
-It can also serve as a starter template for building a variety of web applications that needs authentication.
- django 1.11
- django-rest-framework 3.7
- django-rest-auth 0.9.2
- webpack
- React v16
- React Router 4
- Redux
- reactstrap (Bootstrap 4 components)
Clone the repository, which includes both backend and frontend.
cd to django_backend directory
create your virtualenv and activate (python3) under win: python -m venv 'envname'
run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all django dependencies.
run python manage.py migrate
to migrate database.
run python manage.py runserver
to start django development server to serve the demo site.
the backend server should be localhost:8000.
all JavaScript and html source code are within react_src directory, bundle.js will be generated in static/js directory. index.html will be generated in templates/project directory.
run npm install
to install all node dependencies.
run npm run start
to start the webpack dev server for frontend app.
now you can go to localhost:8083 to access the main page of the demo site.
If you have found a bug or feature request, please report them at the repository issues section.