Otaku Meets is a blind-dating website for Anime enthusiasts. It is designed to help users communicate with each other based on their personality type by using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. For example: you wouldn't want to approach an introvert with extroverted scenarios. Instead you would ease them in slowly and not come on too strong.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Before you begin to run this project, you must clone the API and install. Repository is located here: Otaku-Meets-API
<!-- API -->
git clone https://github.com/MichaelSRomero/Waifu-API.git
<!-- Front End -->
git clone https://github.com/MichaelSRomero/Waifu-front-end.git
After you have followed API installation guide (Located Here). Inside your terminal, run:
npm install
- React JS - The web framework used
- Redux - State Management Tool
- Ruby on Rails - API Back-End
- React-Swipey - Tinder like Swipe
- Personality Database - Anime Personality Database
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator - Personality Types
- Michael Romero - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
I built this site because I wanted to provide a different change and twist to online dating. We often first get attracted by another person via Physicalness; how they look, how they dress. And that's completely fine, but I felt the need to try and provide attraction through personalities. After all, what good is a beautiful person if they have an ugly personality?
This apps styling was heavily inspired by OKCupid's landing page, signup & log in pages. As well as Tinder's layout design & functionality. I, by no means copied their CSS, but instead used their pages as reference and styled accordingly.