
I completed 100 days of code earlier this year and have decided to take on the challenge again. This repo will act as a way to track all the test files and

100DaysOfCode2 (Days 125-225)

I completed 100 days of code earlier this year and have decided to take on the challenge again as a way to keep me in the habbit of daily coding.

This repo will act as a way to track my progress and all the test projects during the 100 days.


  1. Complete Data Dog and iRunningLog from my previous 100days challenge
  • iRunningLog
    • Commenting
    • Kudos
    • Progression Tracker -DataDog -User Login System -Dog Adoption System -View Dog Page
  1. MongoDB
  • I have been previously using MSSQL as my database and would like to add MongoDB to my stack instead
  • MongoDB Atlas
  1. Build a Full-Stack Project using the complete MERN Stack
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  1. Host a MERN Project 100% Online
  • Github pages + MongoDB Atlas
  1. Test Driven Development

  2. Data Validation

  • Prevent SQL-Injection
  • On both front-end and database level
  1. Front-End Design
  • I know how to display data and change the font-end layout
  • I need to find a way to more easily design my front end
    • Either a library or a something outside create-react-app
  1. TBD

  2. TBD

  3. TBD