
A Python library that introduces the Haskell-like do notation using a Python decorator.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Do-notation is a Python package that introduces Haskell-like do-notation using a Python decorator.


  • Haskell-like Behavior: Emulate Haskell's do-notation for Python objects that implement the flat_map (or bind) method.
  • Syntactic sugar: Use the do decorator to convert generator functions into nested flat_map method calls by using the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  • Simplified Syntax: Write complex nested flat_map sequences in a clean and readable way without needing to define auxillary functions.
  • Type hinting: The type hint of the value returned by the decorated generator function is correctly inferred by type checkers.


You can install Do-notation using pip:

pip install donotation


Basic Example

First, import the do decorator from the do-notation package. Then, define a class implementing the flat_map method to represent the monadic operations. Finally, use the do decorator on the generator function that yields objects of this class.

from donotation import do

class StateMonad:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def flat_map(self, func):
        def next(state):
            n_state, value = self.func(state)
            return func(value).func(n_state)

        return StateMonad(func=next)

def collect_even_numbers(num: int):
    def func(state: set):
        if num % 2 == 0:
            state = state | {num}

        return state, num
    return StateMonad(func)

def example(init):
    x = yield collect_even_numbers(init + 1)
    y = yield collect_even_numbers(x + 1)
    z = yield collect_even_numbers(y + 1)

    # The generator function must return a `StateMonad` rather than the 
    # containerized value itself (unlike in other do-notation implementations).
    return collect_even_numbers(z + 1)

state = set[int]()
state, value = example(3).func(state)

print(f'{value=}')              # Output will be value=7
print(f'{state=}')              # Output will be state={4, 6}

In this example, we define a StateMonad class that implements a flat_map method to represent a state monad. The helper method collect_even_numbers is used to generate a sequence of monadic operations within the generator function example, which stores the immediate values if they are even integer. The do decorator converts the generator function example into a sequence of flat_map calls on the StateMonad objects.

Unlike other do-notation implementations, the generator function must return an object that implements the flat_map method, rather than directly returning the containerized value. This design choice simplifies the library by only requiring the implementation of the flat_map method, avoiding the need for additional methods like return or map. Additionally, this approach ensures accurate type hint inference, making the code both cleaner and more type-safe.

How It Works

The do decorator works by substituting the yield and yield from statements with nested flat_map calls using the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the generator function. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. AST traversal: Traverse the AST of the generator function to inspect all statements.
  2. Yield operation: When an yield operations is encountered, define an nested function containing the remaining statements. This nested function is then called within the flat_map method call.
  3. If-else/match statements: If an if-else or match statement is encountered, traverse its AST to inspect all statements of each case. If an yield statement is found, the nested function for the flat_map method includes the rest of the if-else or match statement and the remaining statements of the generator function.

The above example is translated into the following nested flat_map calls:

def example(init):
    def _donotation_flatmap_func_0(x):
        def _donotation_flatmap_func_1(y):
            def _donotation_flatmap_func_2(z):
                return collect_even_numbers(z + 1)

            return collect_even_numbers(y + 1).flat_map(_donotation_flatmap_func_2)

        return collect_even_numbers(x + 1).flat_map(_donotation_flatmap_func_1)

    return collect_even_numbers(init + 1).flat_map(_donotation_flatmap_func_0)

You can print the unparsed code of the decorated function by using the @do(print_code=True) option.

Yield Placement Restrictions

The yield operations within the generator can only be placed within if-else or match statements but not within for or while statements. Yield statements within the for or while statement are not substituted by a monadic flat_map chaining, resulting in a generator function due to the leftover yield statements. In this case, an exception is raised.

Good Example

Here’s a good example where the yield statement is only placed within if-else statements:

def good_example(init):
    if condition:
        x = yield collect_even_numbers(init)
        x = yield collect_even_numbers(init + 1)
    y = yield collect_even_numbers(x + 1)
    return collect_even_numbers(y + 1)

result = good_example(3)

Bad Example

Here’s a bad example where the yield statement is placed within a for or while statement:

def bad_example(init):
    x = init
    for _ in range(3):
        x = yield collect_even_numbers(x)
    return collect_even_numbers(x + 1)

# This will raise an exception due to improper yield placement
result = bad_example(3)


The do decorator can be customized to work with different implementations of the flat map operation. There are two ways to change the bheavior of the do decorator:

Custom Mehtod Name:

If the method is called "bind" instead of "flat_map", you can specify the method name when creating the decorator instance:

my_do = do(attr='bind')

@my_do()  # converts the generator function to nested `bind` method calls
def example():
    # ...

External Flat Map Function:

If the flat map operation is defined as an external function rather than a method of the class, you can define a callback function:

flat_map = ...  # some implementation of the flat map operation

def callback(source, fn):
    return flat_map(source, fn)

my_do = do(callback=callback)

@my_do()  # calls the callback to perform a flat map operation
def example():
    # ...

In both cases, the do decorator adapts to the specified method name or external function, allowing for flexible integration with different monadic structures.

Type hints

When using the yield operator, type checkers cannot infer the correct types for the values returned by it. In the basic example above, a type checker like Pyright may infer Unknown for the variables x, y, and z, even though they should be of type int.

To address this issue, you can use the yield from operator instead of yield. The yield from operator can be better supported by type checkers, ensuring that the correct types are inferred. To make this work properly, you need to annotate the return type of the __iter__ method in the monadic class (e.g., StateMonad).

Here’s how to set it up:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Generator
from donotation import do

class StateMonad[S, T]:
    def __init__(self, func: Callable[[S], tuple[S, T]]):
        self.func = func

    # Specifies the return type of the `yield from` operator
    def __iter__(self) -> Generator[None, None, T]: ...

    def flat_map[U](self, func: Callable[[T], StateMonad[S, U]]):
        def next(state):
            n_state, value = self.func(state)
            return func(value).func(n_state)

        return StateMonad(func=next)

def example(init):
    x: int = yield from collect_even_numbers(init+1)
    y: int = yield from collect_even_numbers(x+1)
    z: int = yield from collect_even_numbers(y+1)
    return collect_even_numbers(z+1)

# Correct type hint is inferred
m: StateMonad[int] = example(3)


Local variables

Local variables defined after the point where the do decorator is applied to the genertor function cannot be accessed within the generator function. The following example raises a NamedError exception.

def example():
    # NameError: name 'init' is not defined. Did you mean: 'int'?
    x = yield collect_even_numbers(init + 1)

init = 3


Here are some other Python libraries that implement the do-notation using a generator function:

These libaries implement the do decorator as a real generator, similar to the following pseudo-code:

def do():
    def decorator[V](fn: Callable[..., Generator[Any, None, V]]):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> V:
            gen = fn(*args, **kwargs)

            def send_and_yield(value):
                    next_val = gen.send(value)
                except StopIteration as e:
                    result = e.value
                    result = next_val.flat_map(send_and_yield)
                return result

            return send_and_yield(None)
        return wrapper
    return decorator

This implementation has the disadvantage that each function given to the flat_map method (i.e. send_and_yield) can only be called once due to a the instruction pointer of the generator. This difference is crucial for handling monadic operations correctly and ensuring that the do decorator works as expected in various scenarios.

A Pyhton library, that is similar to this library, implements the do-notation based on left shift operation <<, achieved by modifing the AST:

These Python libraries implement the do-notation as a for comprehensions similar as in Scala, achieved by modifying the AST:

These Python libraries implement the do-notation using the let operator, eliminating the need for nested function structures. However, this approach limits variable access, as values can only be retrieved via attributes of an environment object.

Other Python libraries that implement the do-notation: