
This was a test at Makers Academy that was assigned to us in Week 3.

We had to create software for an air traffic controller at an airport. Planes can land and take off from the airport provided that:

  • The weather conditions are good.
  • The airport is not at full capacity (only for landing).

For this test we used:

  1. Ruby
  2. Git
  3. Object-oriented-programming
  4. Test-driven-development with RSpec

Essentially the aim of this test was to write clean and readable code using TDD and OOP. I created 3 separate classes with their own specific and limited responsibilities:

Class Responsibility
Plane Can land or take off from an Airport, if clear to do so.
Airport Has a maximum capacity, gets its weather from the Weather class, can allow planes to take off or land.
Weather Can randomly switch state between sunny or stormy.