
A simple shell script to scan your Xcode Swift project for required reason API usage

Primary LanguageShell

Scans the given directory for possible use of "iOS required reason API".

The scan is very rudimentary and based on comparing strings, but should be very helpful for a first analysis.

See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files/describing_use_of_required_reason_api for details.


sh required_reason_api_scanner.sh directory_name

Example Output:

Found potentially required reason API usage 'UserDefaults' in './ViewController.swift' Line numbers: 28

See the following medium post for more details: https://jochen-holzer.medium.com/embrace-the-evolution-preparing-your-ios-app-for-the-required-reason-api-38f2d12bbce5?source=friends_link&sk=d146c22f3e18c6551231f4b55c934b05