An An AirBnB Like Review site for Airlines built with Rails & Javascript. Our team of four: Michael, Erik, Gen and David built this project over the course of two weeks.
- Git Clone:
- Rails S
- Search for airlines of interest.
- Login to review and add airlines.
- Participate in discussion about airlines with other users.
- Admin can add/remove and moderate airline discussions.
- Mailers using Mandrill notify Airline reviewers of updates to specific airlines
- The ability to add an item to be reviewed.
- The ability to upvote or downvote a review. A user can only upvote or downvote once and can change their vote from up to down.
- A sign up and authentication system for your users (with Devise).
- An ability to upload a profile photo (with Carrierwave).
- Pagination (with Kaminari).