
A step by step tutorial on building DMG installers for ElectronJS applications using Electron Builder.

Electron-Builder-DMG-Tutorial (MacOS)

A step by step tutorial on builder DMG installers for ElectronJS applications using Electron Builder.

Files required to make DMG installer

  • App icon [.icns]
  • DMG installer background image [.tiff]

Step 1: Generating Application Icon (.icns) File

Example: App Icon

1024px by 1024px

Create a PNG image of size 1024px by 1024px.
Open a new terminal window and cd into the directory where the PNG image is saved.
Rename the PNG image to App_Icon.png then copy/paste the commands below into the terminal window and run.

mkdir MacOS_Icon.iconset
sips -z 16 16     App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_16x16.png
sips -z 32 32     App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_16x16@2x.png
sips -z 32 32     App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_32x32.png
sips -z 64 64     App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_32x32@2x.png
sips -z 128 128   App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_128x128.png
sips -z 256 256   App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_128x128@2x.png
sips -z 256 256   App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_256x256.png
sips -z 512 512   App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_256x256@2x.png
sips -z 512 512   App_Icon.png --out MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_512x512.png
cp App_Icon.png MacOS_Icon.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png
iconutil -c icns MacOS_Icon.iconset
rm -R MacOS_Icon.iconset

Step 2: Generating DMG Installer Background Image (.tiff) File

Example: DMG_Background.png Example: DMG_Background_Large.png

544px by 408px

1088px by 816px

Create another PNG image of abitrary size, for this demo a size of 1088px by 634px will be used.
Copy the PNG image and then open in preview.
Resize the image to be 50% smaller by going to Tools > Adjust Size in Preview's menu bar as shown below.
Rename the images DMG_Background.png and DMG_Background_Large.png.
Open a new terminal window and cd into the directory where the PNG image is saved.
Copy/paste the commands below into the terminal window and run.

tiffutil -cathidpicheck "DMG_Background.png" "DMG_Background_Large.png" -out DMG_Background.tiff

Step 3: Creating an Assets Folder

Create a folder named assets in your project directory where the package.json file resides
Copy the generated files MacOS_Icon.icns and DMG_Background.tiff to the assets folder.

Step 4: Configuring "package.json" File

After configuring the package.json file run npm run dist in the project directory.
A template is given below: x and y can be changed to control the position of the icons in the DMG installer pop up.

Result: DMG Installer

  "name": "connect-four",
  "productName": "Simple Connect4",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "description": "Minimalist Connect4 game",
  "main": "App.js",
  "author": "MichaelTr7",
  "license": "MIT",
  "homepage": "Simple_Connect4.com",
  "build": {
    "appId": "com.simpleconnect4.app",
    "icon": "assets/MacOS_Icon.icns",
    "directories": {
      "output": "build"
    "productName": "Simple Connect4",
    "mac": {
      "target": ["dmg"],
      "identity": null,
      "category": "public.app-category.board-games"
    "dmg": {
      "background": "assets/DMG_Background.tiff",
      "icon": "assets/MacOS_Icon.icns",
      "iconSize": 75,
      "window": {
        "width": 544,
        "height": 408

      "contents": [
          "x": 450,
          "y": 280
          "x": 450,
          "y": 170,
          "type": "link",
          "path": "/Applications"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "electron .",
    "pack": "electron-builder --dir",
    "dist": "electron-builder",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "dependencies": {},
  "devDependencies": {
    "electron": "^9.2.0",
    "electron-builder": "^22.8.0"