
NGINX image with Mutual TLS (server authentication AND client authentication)

Primary LanguageDockerfile



This image contains an NGINX server configured with Mutual TLS which will allow your server to do client authentication in addition to server authentication.

Docker Pulls


  1. Put your certs in ./certs/:
  • server.crt and server.key - server certificate and key used for server authentication
  • ca.crt - trusted root CA your server will allow client certificates signed by
  1. Set the environment variables:
  • ALLOWED_CLIENT_S_DN - allowed client certificate subject domain name, client certificates from other domains will result in a 403
  • VERIFY_DEPTH (optional) - maximum client certificate verify depth, defaults to 1 which will allow client certificates signed by one intermediate CA, set to 0 to only allow client certificates signed by the trusted root CA
  1. Run it:
docker run -p 443:443 --env ALLOWED_CLIENT_S_DN='CN=example.com,O=Example Inc,L=Toronto,ST=Ontario,C=CA' -v `pwd`/certs/:/etc/nginx/conf.d/certs mviveros/nginx-mutual-tls


Assuming you have client certs in client.crt/client.key and ca_server.crt contains the CA your server certificate is signed by, you can test it with:

curl -v --cert client.crt --key client.key --cacert ca_server.crt https://localhost:443


Coming Soon

  • support for adding a proxy header for client subject domain name