
SudokuTree allows you to create checkpoints while you play sudoku and revert back to previous positions in the game.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


When playing sudoku with my girlfriend, we encountered a situation where we could not determine with certainty which number to put in the square. From this point, we had to make a guess and continue playing. Eventually, it became apparent that we guessed poorly and we had no easy way to revert back and change our decision.

SudokuTree solves the problem that we encountered by allowing you to create checkpoints while you play sudoku and revert back to previous positions in the game.

SudokuTree uses SudokuJS for UI and AI. Thank you very much Jonas Ohlsson for making SudokuJS!


Please demo the code here: http://metatree.xyz/sudokutree/


Please feel free to join in on development and share with your friends.