
Whole-system provenance capture of Android mobile system

Primary LanguageC

CamFlow Android Provenance

CamFlow uses Linux Security Module (LSM) to capture data provenance for whole-system auditing purposes. The provenance capture mechanism is highly configurable. The CamFlow Android Provenance project is a transplant of CamFlow to Android, applying the whole-system provenance concept to AOSP and capturing system-level activities.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you through building and installing CamFlow in an Android environment, specifically the Android Cuttlefish virtual device.


  • Ubuntu 22.04.1: we use this Ubuntu distribution as our development environment.
  • Android Cuttlefish Virtual Device: a configurable virtual Android device that replicates the framework-based behavior of a real device.
  • Android Kernel: build Android Kernel with the CamFlow patch. We will install the kernel part of CamFlow in the Android kernel. We use the Android kernel branch common-android13-5.15-lts.
  • Android Studio: CamFlow user-space daemons are compiled and built in Android Studio.
  • CamFlow: the CamFlow kernel patch used in Android is v0.8.0. The modified userspace CamFlow deamons are included in this repo and should be built in Android studio using android-ndk-r23b.


A step by step guide of setting up CamFlow Android Provenance System on Android virtual device.

Set Up Android Cuttlefish - Automation

Step 1: On the Linux desktop, clone this repository and navigate to the android-cuttlefish-automation folder. Then, run the shell script.
source ./create-android-cuttlefish.sh

⚠️ During this process, your laptop will reboot. Once the reboot is complete, simply execute the shell script again. The progress will be tracked, and previously completed commands will not be re-run. The reason for the reboot is to trigger the installation of additional kernel modules and update udev rules.

Step 2: Interact with Android Cuttlefish using Makefile

After executing the shell script, you should be located in the ~android-cuttlefish/cf directory. The script also copied a Makefile to this directory to help you interact with the Android Cuttlefish virtual device. Here are the commands you can run to interact with the Android virtual device:

make root                   # running as root in the shell
make shell                  # enter the shell of Android Cuttlefish
make stop                   # stop the cuttlefish device
HOME=$PWD ./bin/launch_cvd -daemon # launch a new cuttlefish virtual device after the previous one is stopped

Set Up Android Cuttlefish - Manual

⚠️ If you used "Set Up Android Cuttlefish - Automation", you can skip this part. For the lastest manual launch instructions, check: https://android.googlesource.com/device/google/cuttlefish/

Step 1: In the Linux desktop or virtual machine, make sure virtualization with KVM is available
grep -c -w "vmx\|svm" /proc/cpuinfo

This should return a non-zero value. If running on a cloud machine, this may take cloud-vendor-specific steps to enable.

Step 2: Download, build, and install the Cuttlefish host debian packages
sudo apt install -y git devscripts config-package-dev debhelper-compat golang curl
git clone https://github.com/google/android-cuttlefish
cd android-cuttlefish
for dir in base frontend; do
  cd $dir
  debuild -i -us -uc -b -d
  cd ..
sudo dpkg -i ./cuttlefish-base_*_*64.deb || sudo apt-get install -f
sudo dpkg -i ./cuttlefish-user_*_*64.deb || sudo apt-get install -f
sudo usermod -aG kvm,cvdnetwork,render $USER
sudo reboot

This script installs the Android Cuttlefish environment on a Linux-based system.

Step 3: Download OTA images and host package of Android Cuttlefish
  • OTA (Over-The-Air) image: this file is a system image for the Cuttlefish Virtual Device (CVD), which is a part of AOSP.
  • Host package: this file is a host package for Cuttlefish. It includes binaries and scripts that need to be run on the host machine to set up and run the Cuttlefish virtual device.
  1. Go to http://ci.android.com/

  2. Enter a branch name. Start with aosp-master if you don‘t know what you’re looking for

  3. Navigate to aosp_cf_x86_64_phone and click on userdebug for the latest build

  4. Click on Artifacts

  5. Scroll down to the OTA images. These packages look like aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-img-xxxxxx.zip -- it will always have img in the name. Download this file

  6. Scroll down to cvd-host_package.tar.gz. You should always download a host package from the same build as your images

  7. On your local system, cd /path/to/android-cuttlefish, combine the packages with following code

    mkdir cf
    cd cf
    tar xvf /path/to/cvd-host_package.tar.gz
    unzip /path/to/aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-img-xxxxxx.zip
Step 4: Launch cuttlefish and other useful cuttlefish commands
  1. Launch cuttlefish virtual machine

    HOME=$PWD ./bin/launch_cvd -daemon
  2. Enable cuttlefish root

    ./bin/adb root
  3. Launch cuttlefish shell

    ./bin/adb shell
  4. Stop cuttlefish virtual machine

    pkill run_cvd # or HOME=$PWD ./bin/stop_cvd

Build Android Kernel with CamFlow Patch Applied

Step 1: Install the Repo command to download Android Kernel source code and create a directory for Android kernel build

Repo command page: https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/+/refs/heads/main/README.md

# Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install repo

# Gentoo
$ sudo emerge dev-vcs/repo

Or install repo manually using the following commands:

$ mkdir -p ~/.bin
$ PATH="${HOME}/.bin:${PATH}"
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/.bin/repo
$ chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo

Then at your home directory, create a directory for Android Kernel: (this directory MUST be separated from Android cuttlefish directory!)

$ cd
$ mkdir android-kernel-5.15 && cd android-kernel-5.15
Step 2: Download Android Kernel source code
# Branch android13-5.15-LTS as an example
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/manifest -b common-android13-5.15-lts
repo sync -j12

The option j12 means that the sync operation will use 12 parallel threads or jobs. If an error occurs during the sync process, you can try reducing the number of threads by lowering the number that follows the j option first.

Step 3: Apply the kernel patches to Android Kernel source code for customization
  1. Download CamFlow kernel patch from the CamFlow repository

    • CamFlow is a major LSM for Linux kernel provenance
    • Download one of the releases of CamFlow from the link below. In this example, we use Camflow v0.8.0 since it's compatible with the Android Kernel branch android13-5.15-LTS
    • The link of Camflow v0.8.0 patch releases is: Link
  2. Install CamFlow kernel patch to kernel source code before building it

    • Apply the two CamFlow patches to the common kernel source code directory
    cd  android-kernel-5.15/common
    git apply path/to/0001-information-flow.patch
    git apply path/to/0002-camflow.patch
  3. Configure the kernel configuration to ensure the camflow provenance LSM is properly loaded and is processed last

    cd  android-kernel-5.15/common
    make menuconfig

    camflow-config1 camflow-config2 camflow-config3

    • Make sure the "provenance" is added at the end of enabled LSMs list
  4. Download and run this shell script to modify the gki_defconfig to avoid the savedefconfig mismatch error

If the gdown command is not working, you can obtain this shell script from the kernel-config-setting-shell directory at the root level of this repository.

cd ..   # go to android-kernel-5.15
gdown --id 1x2fLFHlr_UtoCa0_MmHSWHLkiDBnZrNe
source ./modify-build-configs.sh
Step 4: Build the Android Kernel

Since Android 10, Android has introduced a new Generic Kernel Image(GKI) in kernel 4.19 and above. This means that the kernel building process has been divided into two parts: Generic Kernel and Vendor Modules. We have to build these two parts separately.

  • GKI modules: Kernel modules built by Google that can be dynamically loaded on devices where applicable. These modules are built as artifacts of the GKI kernel and are delivered alongside GKI as the system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz archive.
  • Vendor module: A hardware-specific module developed by a partner and that contains system on a chip (SoC) and device-specific functionality. A vendor module is a type of dynamically loadable kernel module.


  1. Build Generic Kernel

    # bazel build
    tools/bazel build //common:kernel_x86_64_dist

    Successful build should output the following message:

    INFO: From Building GKI artifacts //common:kernel_x86_64_gki_artifacts:
    Creating boot-img.tar.gz for gki-info.txt boot.img
    INFO: From Building system_dlkm //common:kernel_x86_64_images_system_dlkm_image:
    Creating system_dlkm image
    Target //common:kernel_x86_64_dist up-to-date:
    INFO: Elapsed time: 1377.103s, Critical Path: 1356.84s
    INFO: 253 processes: 239 internal, 14 linux-sandbox.
    INFO: Build completed successfully, 253 total actions
    # create output distribution
    tools/bazel run //common:kernel_x86_64_dist -- --dist_dir=/absolute/path/to/android-kernel-5.15/vendor-build-output-x86

    After you run the command above, you should see a directory named vendor-build-output-x86 and a file named bzImage.

  2. Build Vendor Modules for the Virtual Device

    # bazel build
    tools/bazel build //common-modules/virtual-device:virtual_device_x86_64_dist

    Successful build should output the following message:

    Target //common-modules/virtual-device:virtual_device_x86_64_dist up-to-date:
    INFO: Elapsed time: 185.179s, Critical Path: 183.47s
    INFO: 24 processes: 13 internal, 11 linux-sandbox.
    INFO: Build completed successfully, 24 total actions
    # create output distribution
    tools/bazel run //common-modules/virtual-device:virtual_device_x86_64_dist -- --dist_dir=/absolute/path/to/android-kernel-5.15/vendor-build-output-x86

    Upon successful completion of the build, initramfs.img should be located at /path/to/android-kernel-5.15/vendor-build-output-x86. You can now proceed to swap this kernel into your Cuttlefish Android Virtual Device.

    • initramfs.img: the initial RAM filesystem is a temporary in-memory file system that contains essential files and utilities required for mounting the root file system. It is compressed and stored as an image file with the name: initramfs.img.
    • bzImage: the bzImage is a compressed Linux kernel image created during the kernel compilation process. It is designed to be small enough to fit within limited memory space during the boot process. The bzImage is loaded by the bootloader, decompressed, and executed to initialize the system hardware and kernel before transitioning to the root file system.

Swap the Customized Android Kernel into Android Cuttlefish Virtual Device

  1. In ~/android-cuttlefish/cf directory, set the environment variable DIST_FOLDER as the folder that contains initramfs.img and bzImage

    DIST_FOLDER=$(readlink -f /absolute/path/to/android-kernel-5.15/vendor-build-output-x86)
  2. Navigate to android-cuttlefish/cf, and then use the following command to launch Cuttlefish using the kernel we just built.

    If the launch of cuttlefish failed, try to stop previously launched cuttlefish first by pkill run_cvd or HOME=$PWD ./bin/stop_cvd

    # This command launches a Cuttlefish Virtual Device (CVD) in daemon mode. It's configured with 27GB of RAM, always creates a new data policy, includes a blank data image of 30GB, and use a single CPU core
    HOME=${PWD} ./bin/launch_cvd -daemon -initramfs_path "${DIST_FOLDER}"/initramfs.img -kernel_path "${DIST_FOLDER}"/bzImage -memory_mb 27000 -data_policy always_create -blank_data_image_mb 30000 -cpus 1
  3. Launch the shell of cuttlefish and check the kernel version to verify that kernel is swapped successfully

    ./bin/adb shell  # alternatively, make shell
    # run cat version before and after the kernel swap, the output should be different
    vsoc_x86_64:/ $ cd proc && cat version
    Linux version 5.15.120-maybe-dirty (build-user@build-host) (Android (8508608, based on r450784e) clang version 14.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 4c603efb0cca074e9238af8b4106c30add4418f6), LLD 14.0.7) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1970

Set Up Camflow Android User-Space Daemons

CamFlow provenance system consists of kernel space capture mechanism and user space daemons. The architecture is described below. For more information, check camflow.org

  • camflowd: is a daemon responsible for recording the provenance captured in the kernel by CamFlow. Provenance records are published by CamFlow to pseudo-files in relayfs. The daemon retrieves these records, serializes them to a format specified in the configuration, and writes them to an output specified in the configuration.
  • camconfd: camconfd is a daemon charged with configuring the in-kernel capture mechanism. The configuration daemon reads from camflow.ini and loads the specified configuration into the kernel via a securityfs interface.
  • libprovenance: a C library implementing userspace utility functions to interact with CamFlow relayfs and securityfs interfaces.
  • camflow-cli: CLI that allows the user to dynamically modify the capture configuration through the command line.
  • camflow.ini: captures configuration file read during the boot process by the camconfd service, and is used to set the capture policy.
  • camflowd.ini: output configuration file that specifies what and where the provenance information is published. (Currently only support log output in SPADE JSON format )


Step 1a: Using Prebuilt Camflow Android User-Space Daemons

First, move all prebuilt daemons, shared library, and config files to the Downloads directory using the command below. You should execute the following command in the camflow-android-provenance directory.

# copy prebuilts to Downloads directory
cd prebuilt-userspace-daemons && cp * ~/Downloads && cd .. && cd camflow-config-files && cp * ~/Downloads && cd ..
Step 1b: Build Camflow Android User-Space Daemons in Android Studio from Source

⚠️ If you followed "Step 1a: Using Prebuilt Camflow Android User-Space Daemons", you can skip this part.

Assuming we build the user-space daemons in Android Studio on a Mac, and Android Cuttlefish runs on a Linux desktop.

  1. On Mac desktop, git clone this repo to Desktop and open this folder in Android Studio (Proceed to the next step if you have already cloned the repository)
git clone https://github.com/MichaelXi3/camflow-android-provenance.git
  1. Click the green hammer Build button twice on the top right corner of Android Studio

    Clicking once builds only x86 executables. Building it again will generate x86_64 executables. We want x86_64.

43 actionable tasks: 43 executed

All the executables should be located at:

cd app/build/intermediates/cxx/Debug/k4r535v6/obj/x86_64

The executable and shared library list should include:

camconfd     camflow-cli     camflowd     camflowexample     libprovenance.so
  1. Move the userspace daemons and shared library to the Linux Desktop from Mac, assume all these five files are now moved to /Downloads folder on Linux Desktop
  2. Move the configuration files camflow.ini and camflowd.ini located at camflow-config-files folder in this repo to /Downloads folder on Linux Desktop as well
Step 2: Install these executables and shared library to Android Cuttlefish
  1. Navigate to android-cuttlefish/cf, enter the following commands to launch the Android virtual device with specified configurations (skip these commands is the Android virtual device is already running)

    # stop the previous launched Android virtual device if there is any
    pkill run_cvd # or HOME=$PWD ./bin/stop_cvd
    # set DIST_FOLDER to the directory that contains bzImage and initramfs.img
    DIST_FOLDER=$(readlink -f /path/to/android-kernel-5.15/vendor-build-output-x86)
    # Launch Android cuttlefish with RAM 27GB, Disk Space 30GB, 1 CPU
    HOME=${PWD} ./bin/launch_cvd -daemon -memory_mb 27000 -data_policy always_create -blank_data_image_mb 30000 -cpus 1 -initramfs_path "${DIST_FOLDER}"/initramfs.img -kernel_path "${DIST_FOLDER}"/bzImage
  2. Install the shared library and user-space daemons to Android Cuttlefish

    Using Makefile commands to automate is recommended. A Makefile has been placed at android-cuttlefish/cf directory, you can use it right away or modify it to your needs.

    First: make remount-all, or use following commands

    # remount Android cuttlefish device - need to install shared library
    ./bin/adb root
    ./bin/adb remount
    ./bin/adb reboot
    # mount several filesystem in Android cuttlefish device
    # if encounter 'Device or resource busy' error, wait a minute and try again
    ./bin/adb root
    ./bin/adb shell mount -t securityfs /sys/kernel/security
    ./bin/adb shell mount -t debugfs /sys/kernel/debugfs
    ./bin/adb shell mount -o rw,remount /system

    Second: make prepare, assume everything is located at /Downloads directory

    Checklist of what you need in /Downloads directory: camconfd, camflow-cli, camflowd, 1ibprovenance.so, camflowexample, camflow.ini, camflowd.ini

    You can execute the following commands if the files are not in the /Downloads, but they perform the same actions as make prepare.

    # install user-space daemons to android cuttlefish /data/local/tmp
    ./bin/adb push /path/to/camflowd /data/local/tmp
    ./bin/adb push /path/to/camflowexample /data/local/tmp
    ./bin/adb push /path/to/camconfd /data/local/tmp
    ./bin/adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp && chmod 755 camflowd && chmod 755 camconfd && chmod 755 camflowexample"
    # install camflow-cli to android cuttlefish
    ./bin/adb push /path/to/camflow-cli /system/bin
    ./bin/adb shell "cd /system/bin && mv camflow-cli camflow && chmod 755 /system/bin/camflow"
    # install libprovenance.so shared library to android cuttlefish
    ./bin/adb push /path/to/libprovenance.so /system/lib64
    # install the camflow and camflowd configuration files
    ./bin/adb push /path/to/camflow.ini /data/local/tmp
    ./bin/adb push /path/to/camflowd.ini /data/local/tmp
Step 3: Run User-Space Daemons to Capture Provenance of Android System
  1. Run the camconfd daemon to set the capture configuration. Note that in the default camflow.ini, the capture-all provenance is set to false since there will be massive provenance data generated if capture-all is set to true. You can fine-tune the capture policy later by modifying the configurations listed in camflow.ini.
    # or, make run-camconfd
    ./bin/adb shell /data/local/tmp/camconfd &
  2. Run the camflowd daemon to record the provenance captured in the kernel and serialize them to SPADE JSON format log in /data/local/tmp/audit.log file.
    # or, make run-camflowd
    ./bin/adb shell /data/local/tmp/camflowd &
  3. Now there should be a file called audit.log located at /data/local/tmp/ that contains provenance log entries. Note that the log may be empty if your capture configuration is set to not capture anything, as defined in the default camflow.ini.
    # enter android cuttlefish shell as root
    make root && make shell
    cd /data/local/tmp
    vi audit.log
    # the provenance log should be something similar to the following
    {"type":"Entity","id":"EAAAAAAAABQFFQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAA=","annotations": {"object_id":"5381","object_type":"machine","boot_id":0,"cf:machine_id":"cf:0","version":1,"cf:date":"2023:07:24T15:23:35","cf:taint":"0","cf:jiffies":"0","cf:epoch":0,"u_sysname":"Linux","u_nodename":"(none)","u_release":"5.15.104-maybe-dirty","u_version":"#1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1970","u_machine":"x86_64","u_domainname":"(none)","k_version":"0.8.0","l_version":"v0.5.5"}}
    # to copy the provenance log file to /Documents directory
    exit         # exit android cuttlefish shell, now you should at ~/android-cuttlefish/cf
    make pull    # pull audit.log from cuttlefish to local machine

Running Tests

This section provides a walk-through of the Camflow Android Provenance System test, assuming that the user has already completed the instructions described above. Specifically, users should have launched Android cuttlefish successfully, installed all user space daemons, shared library, and executed camconfd and camflowd to apply capture configurations and generate provenance.

Test 1: Get the provenance graph of an executable that opens and writes a file

  1. Run camflowexample located at /data/loca/tmp installed in the previous steps

    • In the camflowexample executable (the source code is located at CamFlow-Android-Provenance/app/src/main/cpp/example), it turns on the track-me bit, so that this process can be tracked.
    # execute this command at /android-cuttlefish/cf
    ./bin/adb shell /data/local/tmp/camflowexample    # or, make run-example
  2. Check out the provenance log generated in audit.log

    # enter the android cuttlefish commandline interface
    ./bin/adb shell      # or, make shell
    cd /data/local/tmp
    vi audit.log
  3. Using Camflow Android Log Parser to parse and visualize the generated log


Test 2: Get the provenance log of the Android app

  1. Start a new Android cuttlefish virtual device, and install the Android app apk by the following command at android-cuttlefish/cf directory

    ./bin/adb -s install /absolute/path/to/app-debug.apk
  2. In camflow.ini, set the capture configuration to track the base.apk file located at /data/app/~~lXP****==/com.prov.appname==/base.apk (The path is different for every newly launched Android cuttlefish). Then use make run-camconfd to apply the capture configuration. Alternatively, if you want to track the provenance of an app as a user (in Android, each app is a distinct user), you need to set the user-id to track in camflow.ini. Note that if you track app as a user, you will obtain more provenance data.

  3. Run camflowd to relay the provenance data from kernel space to user space by make run-camflowd

  4. Enter the Android cuttlefish shell by make shell, then navigate to the audit.log located at data/local/tmp/audit.log. Currently, the log should contain only one row about the machine.

  5. In your browser, enter https://localhost:8443/ to interact with the Android virtual device. You should see your app installed on the phone. Then, open the app, interact with it, and open audit.log again. You will see lots of provenance data generated by the app. img.png

Built With

  • Bazel - The build and test tool developed by Google to automate build processes for large-scale software such as Android Kernel and Modules
  • CMake - The build system used for building Camflow Android user space daemons and shared library
  • AndroidNDK - A cross-compiling tool for compiling code written in C/C++ for Android

Project Structure

At the root directory of the project, there're a few important directories:

  1. camflow-config-files: stores camflow.ini and camflowd.ini for capture and output configurations
  2. camflow-makefile-example: provides a sample makefile for android-cuttlefish commands
  3. prebuilt-userspace-daemons: provides prebuilt daemons that can be used right away
  4. android-cuttlefish-automation: provides the shell script that automates the android cuttlefish launch
  5. kernel-config-setting-shell: provides a shell script that modifies Android kernel build configs, for backup purposes
  6. app: is the directory that contains all source codes, specifically, the path is AndroidStudioProjects/camflow-android-provenance/app/src/main/cpp
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── camconfd
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── camconf.h
    │   ├── config.c
    │   └── ini
    ├── camflow-cli
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   └── camflow.c
    ├── camflowdd
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── camflowd-include
    │   │   ├── service-config.h
    │   │   └── service-log.h
    │   ├── ini
    │   └── main.c
    ├── example
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── cp.c
    │   ├── printf.c
    │   └── write.c
    └── provenancelib
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── camflow-dev-include
    │   ├── provenance_fs.h
    │   ├── provenance_types.h
    │   └── provenanceh.h
    ├── libprovenance-include
    │   ├── provenance.h
    │   ├── provenanceSPADEJSON.h
    │   ├── provenanceW3CJSON.h
    │   ├── provenance_utils.h
    │   └── provenancefilter.h
    ├── libprovenance.c
    ├── provenanceJSONcommon.h
    ├── provenanceSPADEJSON.c
    ├── provenanceW3CJSON.c
    ├── provenancefilter.c
    ├── provenanceutils.c
    ├── relay.c
    ├── threadpool
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── thpool.c
    │   └── thpool.h
    └── uthash.h