
Wk 1: Car dealership: create car dealership in php with silex as practice

Primary LanguagePHP

Car Dealership Webpage

A webpage that displays car information, 7 February 2017

By Erica Wright, Michaela Davis


A webpage that allows a user to enter a maximum price and mileage and displays available cars that fit those parameters.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • In terminal run the following commands to setup the database:
  1. Fork and clone this repository from gitHub.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project in which ever CLI shell you are using and run the command: composer install.
  3. Create a local server in the /web directory within the project folder using the command: php -S localhost:8000 (assuming you are using a mac).
  4. Open the directory http://localhost:8000 in any standard web browser.
  5. Open http://localhost:8000/.

Known Bugs

None so far.

Support and contact details

Please contact ericaw21@gmail.com or michaela.delight@gmail.com with concerns or comments.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • Silex


MIT license

Copyright (c) 2017 Erica Wright, Michaela Davis