
React hook for gathering and validating form data without unnecessary re-renders.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Declarative React hook for gathering and validating form data without unnecessary re-renders.

1. Demo
2. NPM
3. GitHub
4. Medium


npm install use-reactive-form
yarn add use-reactive-form


Step 1: Describe initial values and interface.

    interface IFormData = {
        user: string;
        books: {
            title: string;
            author: string;
    const fields: IFormData = {
        user: '',
        books: [
            title: '',
            author: '',  

Step 2: [Optional] Describe validation schema in Yup syntax.

    import { array, object, string } from 'yup';
    // ...
    const schema = object().shape({
        user: string().required('This field is required')
                      .max(20, 'Character limit exceeded'),
        books: array().of(object().shape({
          title: string().required('This field is required'),
          author: string().required('This field is required'),

Step 3: Create config.

    import { IUseReactiveForm } from 'use-reactive-form';
    // ...
    const config: IUseReactiveForm<IFormData> = {
        validateOnChange: true
Config keys:
    fields: T; // Form fields / structure  
    deps?: any[]; // Array of dependencies that trigger re-render 
    schema?: any; // Validation schema  
    separator?: string; // Separator for name property of inputs. _ is set by default  
    validateOnChange?: boolean; // Validate on input change
    actionOnChange?: (values: T) => void; // Fire function on input change
    updateTriggers? string[]; // Array of name attributes whose change triggers re-render

Step 4: Use Hook

    const { values, ref, update, validate, clear } = useReactiveForm<IFormData>(config);
    values - object with current form state
    ref - reference to <form> tag
    errors - object of errors after validation 
    validate() - function which validates the form
    clear() - function which clears form values form and errors
    update() - function which re-renders form. It is needed when you dynamically add/remove fields.

Step 5: Connect hook to the form.

    const onSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent) => {
        if (validate()) {
        } else {
    return (
      <form ref={ref} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
          <input type='text' name={'user'} defaultValue={values.name}/>
          { errors.user.error && <p> {errors.user.error} </p> }
        values.books.map((b, i: number) => (
            <div key={`book${i}`}>
                <input type='text' name={`books_${i}_title`}/>
                <input type='text' name={`books_${i}_author`}/>    
        <button type='submit' onClick={onSubmit}> Submit </button>

Notice, that you have to describe name attribute as a path to the key in your form object. Instead of common separators (., []) use _ or your separator described in config.

To get error message use errors. It is an object with the same structure as your form object, but instead of just values, it contains object { value: string, error: string }. Therefore, error message for user field located in errors.user.error.

Any action triggered on the <input/> will provide it with one of the following classes: touched, dirty or invalid.

Dynamic fields.

If you want to add some fields dynamically, you need to use update() function. Let's say you want to add a new book. You will need to copy values and push a new book object to the values.books array.

    const addBook = () => {
          books: [...values.books, {
            title: '',
            author: ''
    <button type='button' onClick={addBook}> Add book </button>

Action on input change.

actionOnChange is a parameter, which you may want to set to true when you have to fire a function when any of the inputs value changes. It may be desirable when you submit form dynamically.