
This is a collection of all of my projects in C# and .NET that I worked on with The Tech Academy

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This is a collection of all of my projects in C# and .NET that I worked on with The Tech Academy

Project Descriptions

Newsletter App

This was a C# MVC project using Visual Studio that created an app that allowed users to sign up for a newsletter. It connected to a SQL-based database to store subscriber information via the Models, which could be seen by an admin in the Admin Index view.

Blackjack Project

This was a C# project using Visual Studio in which I created a functional game of blackjack that can be played in the console. This game uses classes to direct gameplay, class inheritance, try/catch blocks to handle exceptions and cheating, interfaces, enums, operator overrides, lists, dictionaries, and multiple for, while, and foreach loops.

Two-Parameter Method Assignment

In this C# program, I created a class and a method that has two integer parameters. The method performs a math operation on the first parameter and prints it to the console and then it simply prints the second parameter to the console. I then called the method in the main program, first by passing the parameters in directly and then by naming each parameter with a variable and then passing the variables in as the parameters.

Optional Parameter Assignment

This was a C# program created in Visual Studio in which I created a class method with two parameters, the second being optional. Then I instantiated the method in the main program and prompted the user for either one or two integers. If the user passed two parameters into the program, the program would multiply the two integers. Otherwise, it would multiply the first integer with the default integer in the method. This used class creation, methods, optional parameters, math operators, data casting, and a try/catch loop.

Overload Method Assignment

In this assignment, I used C# and Visual Studio to create three methods with the same name. The first took in an integer, added it with another integer, and then returned the result. The second took in a decimal, added it with another decimal and returned the result. The third took in a string parameter and returned an integer result. I then called all three methods and printed the results to the console. This used class creation, methods, overload methods, data casting, and math operators.

Calling Methods Assignment

This was a C# program that takes an integer input from the user and runs that integer through three math methods created in a class and then prints them to the console. This used class creation, methods, data casting, and math operators.

Exception Handling Assignment

For this assignment, I created a program using C# in Visual Studio that takes an integer input from the user and then loops through a list of integers, dividing each by the user input. It utilizes a try/catch block to alert the user if they try to divide by zero, use a string instead of an integer, or have any other possible errors. This also uses a foreach loop, an integer list, math operators, and data casting.

Array Assignment

This was a C# assignment in Visual Studio in which I created a string array, an integer array, and a string list. I prompted the user for indices to each array and the lists. I used if/else statements to throw an error message if the user chose an invalid index number. If they chose a valid index, the program prints the value in the array or list at that index. This uses if/else branching statements, arrays, and lists.

Package Express Assignment

For this assignment in Visual Studio, I created a C# program that first took input from the user on package weight. If the weight exceeded 50 lbs, the user is given an alert that their package is too heavy, and the program ends. If it does not exceed the weight limit, the program gathers information on the package size. If the package is too large, the user is alerted and the program ends. If it is not too large, the price quote is calculated and printed to the user's screen. This uses if/else branching statements, nested branching, decimal data typing, math operators, boolean comparisons, the Math.Round() function, and String.Format().

Car Insurance Approval Program

This was an assignment in Visual Studio to create a program using C# that would take input from the user on their age, whether or not they had a DUI, and the number of speeding tickets they had. It then used boolean logic to determine whether or not the person qualified for the insurance.

Anonymous Income Comparison Program

This was an assignment in Visual Studio using C# to take input from the user for the hourly pay rate and the weekly hours worked for two employees, calculates their yearly salary, and compares their yearly income. It uses math operators, decimal data typing, casting, and boolean comparison.

Math and Operators Console Assignment

This was a simple assignment in Visual Studio to create a C# program that took integer input from a user and performed either multiplication, addition, division, comparison, or modulus remainder operations on those integers. It uses math operators, data typing, casting, integers, and boolean comparisons.

Daily Report Assignment

This was a simple assignment in Visual Studio to create a program using C# to gather information from a student for a daily report. It uses data typing, casting, Console.WriteLine() and Console.ReadLine.