
This repository contains all of the JavaScript projects I have done through The Tech Academy's JavaScript Course

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository contains all of the JavaScript projects I have done through The Tech Academy's JavaScript Course.



  • jQuery Challenge - This challenge includes a basic HTML document with jQuery to use events, event handlers, and effects. I used the .click() method, the .append() method, and the .fadeOut() method.
  • XML Challenge - This challenge used XML and an XML parser to create a DOM object and to print one of the child nodes.
  • VW Unit Challenge - This challenge used CSS in HTML to create responsive text that resizes based on screen size.
  • Fade Challenge - This challenge used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a fade-in effect when the page loads.
  • Form Challenge - This was a HMTL and JavaScript challenge to create a form that is validated in JavaScript.
  • Pop Contact Form Challenge - This was an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript challenge to create a popup contact form.
  • Animation Challenge - This was an HTML and CSS challenge to learn about the @keyframes rule and apply it to animate an element.
  • Zoom Challenge - This was an HTML and CSS challenge to create an @keyframes animation to zoom in an out on an image.
  • Bookmark Challenge - This was an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery challenge to create an HTML page with smooth scrolling to different sections of the page using bookmarks.
  • Slideshow Challenge: This was an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript challenge to create an automatic slideshow.

jQuery Project

This was a simple HTML and jQuery project, which was meant to introduce basic jQuery syntax and functions.

Elements Challenge

This challenge was to successfully use one of the HTML DOM properties using HTML and JavaScript.

Basic AJAX project

This was a simple project to use AJAX and XAMPP to update an element of an HTML document in realtime.

Pizza Menu Project

This was an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript project. It featured an interactive menu that kept a running total of selected items and prices and displayed them at the bottom of the screen when the "Place Order" button is pressed.

Tic-Tac-Toe Project

This was an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript project. It includes interactive sound, images, and loops to allow the user to play against the computer.

Arrow Function Challenge

In this HTML project, I wrote a simple inline JavaScript function and then rewrote that function as an arrow function.

JavaScript Project

In this HTML and JavaScript assignment, I created an online order menu using the select tag to create a dropdown menu to select a food. This also uses the switch, case, break, and default statements to generate an output for the user after submitting their order. On another assignment, I created a contact form with HTML and CSS and validated it with JavaScript form validation. On the third assignment, I created an HTML list with data attributes with a JavaScript function that worked with those attributes. On the fourth assignment; HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were combined to create a fully functional calculator.

Loops and Arrays Project

This was an HTML and JavaScript Project. It includes A while loop, a for loop, the length property, a funtion using an array, a function that uses a const keyword, the let keyword, the return statement, object creation using let, the break statement, and the continue statement.

Dev Tools Assignment

This assignment was to debug a script code (in an HTML document) using Dev tools.

Defer Challenge

This was a simple HTML and JavaScript challenge to create HTML code effectively using the defer attribute.

Asynch Assignment

This was a simple HTML and JavaScript assignment using the async attribute.

Countdown and Slideshow Project

This project was in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes a countdown timer featuring an if loop and an alert. This also includes a slideshow that incorporates all three languages and features an if loop, a for loop, the document.getElementsByClassName() method, and fading and hover animation effects.

String and Number Methods Project

In this HTML and JavaScript Project, I wrote functions with various string and number methods. Included methods are: concat(), slice(), toUpperCase(), search(), toString(), toPrecision(), toFixed(), and valueOf().

Scope, Time, and Function Project

In this HTML and JavaScript Project, I wrote a function using a global variable, wrote a function using a local variable, intentionally wrote a function that had an error that would display in the Console, and wrote functions with if, else, and if else statements. I also used "new Date().getHours()" in two functions to pull the time from the user's computer.

Ternary Operators and Constructors Project

In this HTML and JavaScript Project, I used a ternary operator, an object constructor, and a nested function.

Reserved Keyword Challenge

For this challenge, I assigned a variable the value of a reserved word to see the results - the event does not work. Also, I wrote an object constructor function.

Keyword Assignment

This assignment was a simple practice of object constructors and their use. Here I use both "this" and "new" keywords.

Voting Age Challenge

In this challenge, I used a ternary operator to create a functional HTML document that is able to receive input for an age and return whether or not that person is old enough to vote.

Comparisons, Type, and Coercion Project

In this project, I used the typeof operator, combine a string and a number in an expression, have the browser display Infinity and -Infinity, use boolean logic, use both the == and the == operators, use && and || operators, and use the ! operator.

Boolean Challenge

In this challenge, using the console.log() method, I made the browser's Developer Tools console display "false" using Boolean Logic.

Not a Number Challenge

This was a challenge to use NaN functions to get the browser to display NaN for a function, true for a function using isNaN, and false for a function using isNan.

Dictionary Project

In this project, I created a dictionary with JavaScript, called the dictionary function in HTML, and then went back into JavaScript and deleted the KVP being called by the funciton with a delete statement.

Math Operations Project

In this project I created math functions in JavaScript and called them in HTML. In this I used addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, order of operations, unary operator, increment, decrement, and a random number generator. To call these functions, I used document.getElementById, document.write, and window.alert in combonation with the onload, onlclik, ondblckick, oncontextmenu, onmouseover, and onmouseout events.

Function Challenge

This was a challenge to create my own function and to call it with the document.getElementById method. I used a simple multiplication function with two variables that get called using onclick.

Functions Project

This was a simple project where I create a function that concatenated two strings and then to call and display it with an event using the getElementById method.

Event Challenge

In this challenge, the assignment was to research and correctly use a new event and event handler. I created an HTML input element and used oninput to call an alert function.

Concatenated String Challenge

In this simple assignment, I assigned a concatenated string to a variable and used the document.write method to display the whole variable.

String Assignment

In this assignment, I assigned a string to a variable and used a window.alert method to display the variable.

Alert and Expressions Project

This was a simple project to demonstrate early JavaScript functions and methods. In it I assigned string values, used the window.alert and document.write method, concatenated strings, used an exit character, wrote comments, and wrote an expression with the result printed using document.write.