
Discord Bot that retrieves and displays information from the popular game-server analytic site, Battlemetrics.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Discord Bot that retrieves and displays information from the popular game-server analytic site, Battlemetrics.


I had to remove my personal discord bot token because there were spiders roaming around
collecting the tokens to send malicious links to people. To make this bot work, please open
the auth.json file and enter your own personal discord bot token obtainable at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/

Starting the Bot

Clone this package into a folder and open a command terminal.
Make sure install all dependencies and navigate to the new folder using cd.
npm install unirest winston discord.io discord.js
Install node.js such that it recognizes commands made to it.
Do node main.js to start the bot!


(prefix)help - Displays the help menu for the bot and all the commands that it recognizes.
(prefix)prefix - Changes the current prefix that the bot uses to recognize commands.
(prefix)list - Makes a query to the battlemetrics site to return the top 10 results.
(prefix)server - Makes the bot send live battlemetrics data about the server.


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