
Sets up a kubernetes cluster with kubeadm. Supports multiple master stacked setup

Ansible playbook that is used to setup a kubernetes cluster.

This will just init the cluster and it will copy the join commands for workers and for masters. This role will also setup a CNI according to setup_cni.

Can be used to generate join commands when there is already a cluster running.


michaelpalacce.kubernetes_preflight Or something that sets up all the dependencies must be used This roles does NOT install a CRI. You must install one beforehand. Consider adding michaelpalacce.docker role to install docker as a cri.

Supported variables


Setup a multiple stacked masters cluster or just a single master cluster. Defaults to: no.


In the case of a multi_master setup we need to provide a loadbalancer that points to the initial master. Defaults to: ``


The POD CIDR to be provided to the kubeadm init command. Check out your CNI for more information on what to pass here. For example Calico by default uses Defaults to:


The Service CIDR to be provided to the kubeadm init command. Defaults to:


A flag whether this role should setup a CNI according to the given variables. Defaults to: yes


The CNI setup command. Usually most CNIs have some manifest you can apply directly. Defaults to: kubectl apply -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/manifests/tigera-operator.yaml && kubectl apply -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/manifests/custom-resources.yaml


The CNI controller name that will be used to verify the CNI is up and running Defaults to: calico-kube-controllers


A flag whether to generate join commands for the workers. If multi_master is set, then master join commands will be generated as well. Defaults to: yes


An absolute or relative path where the join commands and the config will be fetched. Defaults to: ./output