
Derive case class definitions from spark schemas

Primary LanguageScala

spark class


spark class can be used to derive case class definitions from spark schemas. This should improve the initial development process where case class definitions for input tables are required. In addition, when developing ETL code, it may be preferable to work interactively using Spark's dataset API rather than the dataframe API.

Getting started

To use spark class, first clone this repository and ensure that SBT is installed. spark class may be ran interactively either in the Scala REPL or within a spark-shell session.

To run in the the Scala REPL, enter sbt console from the project root directory and import a local SparkSession (import sparkclass.LocalSparkSession._).

To run spark class within a spark-shell session, first assemble a fat jar -

sbt assembly

This will build a jar in the following location -


spark-shell may then be ran with spark-class-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar as follows (you may wish to first upload the jar to a server/cluster with spark installed) -

spark-shell --jars /path/to/spark-class-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Using spark shell interactively

Required import -

scala> import sparkclass._
import sparkclass._

Read a table into a DataFrame (for this example, using export.csv from https://docs.databricks.com/spark/latest/data-sources/read-csv.html) -

scala> val exportDF = spark.read.option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv("path/to/export.csv")
exportDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [_c0: int, carat: double ... 9 more fields]

Get the schema of the DataFrame -

scala> val exportSchema = exportDF.schema
exportSchema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructField(_c0,IntegerType,true), StructField(carat,DoubleType,true), StructField(cut,StringType,true), StructField(color,StringType,true), StructField(clarity,StringType,true), StructField(depth,DoubleType,true), StructField(table,DoubleType,true), StructField(price,IntegerType,true), StructField(x,DoubleType,true), StructField(y,DoubleType,true), StructField(z,DoubleType,true))

Convert the schema into spark class's CaseClass datatype -

scala> val caseClass = CaseClass.fromSchema("Export", exportSchema)
caseClass: sparkclass.CaseClass = CaseClass(Export,None,None,List(Field(_c0,Int,false,None), Field(carat,Double,false,None), Field(cut,String,false,None), Field(color,String,false,None), Field(clarity,String,false,None), Field(depth,Double,false,None), Field(table,Double,false,None), Field(price,Int,false,None), Field(x,Double,false,None), Field(y,Double,false,None), Field(z,Double,false,None)))

Once the schema has been mapped to the CaseClass datatype, the showCaseClass method can be used to output the case class scala code -

scala> caseClass.showCaseClass
res0: String =
"case class Export(
  _c0: Option[Int],
  carat: Option[Double],
  cut: Option[String],
  color: Option[String],
  clarity: Option[String],
  depth: Option[Double],
  table: Option[Double],
  price: Option[Int],
  x: Option[Double],
  y: Option[Double],
  z: Option[Double]

If desired, this code can be simply cut and pasted into the shell and the DataFrame can be converted to a Dataset -

scala> case class Export(
     |   _c0: Option[Int],
     |   carat: Option[Double],
     |   cut: Option[String],
     |   color: Option[String],
     |   clarity: Option[String],
     |   depth: Option[Double],
     |   table: Option[Double],
     |   price: Option[Int],
     |   x: Option[Double],
     |   y: Option[Double],
     |   z: Option[Double]
     | )
defined class Export

scala> val exportDS = exportDF.as[Export]
exportDS: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Export] = [_c0: int, carat: double ... 9 more fields]

Working with YAML

spark class can also work with YAML files (an example file using the classic diamonds dataset is provided in the root directory). After reading YAML files, the content can be parsed and converted to the CaseClass datatype with the following code -


(required imports: import net.jcazevedo.moultingyaml._ and import sparkclass.CaseClass.YamlProtocol._).

If table and data descriptions are provided in the YAML files, it is possible to output the case class definition with doc comments (using the showCaseClassAll method on CaseClass).

 * Data model for Export: classic diamonds dataset
 *  @param _c0
 *  @param carat weight of the diamond
 *  @param cut quality of the cut
 *  @param color diamond colour
 *  @param clarity diamond clarity
 *  @param depth total depth percentage
 *  @param table width of top of diamond relative to widest point
 *  @param price price in US dollars
 *  @param x length in mm
 *  @param y width in mm
 *  @param z depth in mm
case class Export(
  _c0: Option[Int],
  carat: Option[Double],
  cut: Option[String],
  color: Option[String],
  clarity: Option[String],
  depth: Option[Double],
  table: Option[Double],
  price: Option[Int],
  x: Option[Double],
  y: Option[Double],
  z: Option[Double]