
Generate BuildConfig String, int and boolean fields for build types as well as product flavors from a property file.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Android BuildConfig properties

Generate BuildConfig fields for build types as well as product flavors from a property file.


  • All property files are stored under etc/config directory, which is located in a root directory of your project.
  • Each build type/product flavor has its own property file: etc/config/<build type/product flavor>-config.properties.
  • Shared properties between all build types/product flavors are stored in etc/config/default-config.properties file.
  • In case of a multi-module Android project, the configuration properties are shared between all modules and located in etc/config directory, under the root project.
  • Comments (#) and blank lines in property files are ignored
  • While generating BuildConfig fields, property names are uppercased and invalid characters from their names (., -) are replaced by underscore (_).

Supported property data-types

At the moment we do support String, int as well as boolean.

  • String:

    Strings can contain spaces or special characters

    com.android.properties.string.sample=This is a sample string 123
  • Integer:

  • Boolean:

    Supported values are true and false.


Set up

  1. Create a directory structure and config property files as described in overview.
  2. Copy build-config-properties.gradle file from this repository into etc/config/scripts directory.
  3. Configure build.gradle:
    • Apply configuration properties script:
      apply {
          from "$rootDir/etc/config/scripts/build-config-properties.gradle"
    • Apply BuildConfig properties generation under each build type/product flavor block, you want to apply configuration properties for:
      android {
          buildTypes {
              debug {
                  processBuildConfigProperties it // Use properties for this build type
              release {
                  // Don't use properties for this build type
          productFlavors {
              mock {
                  processBuildConfigProperties it // Use properties for this product flavor
              prod {
                  // Don't use properties for this product flavor


Let's say we've got an Android project which has two build types (debug, release) and two flavors (mock, prod), you can have a look at a sample configuration for such a project in our sample directory.

Configuration properties directory structure:

+---build.gradle                                // build.gradle file
|   /---config
|       +---default-config.properties           // default properties, shared between all build types and product flavors
|       +---debug-config.properties             // properties applyied only to debug build type
|       +---mock-config.properties              // properties applyied only to mock product flavor
|       +---prod-config.properties              // properties applyied only to prod product flavor
|       +---release-config.properties           // properties applyied only to release build type
|       \---scripts
|           \---build-config-properties.gradle  // script responsible for generating BuildConfig fields