Keyboard layout generator

This software is used to generate optimum layout from logged keys. It has configurable key importance and uses logkeys to log keys.


You need nim and logkeys. To compile it run

nim c main.nim

Before you can generate anything you have to log what keys you press over extended period of time. To do that, run

logkeys -o /var/log/logkeys.log --no-daemon --no-timestamps --no-func-keys -s

either as root or as user. After enough data is gathered you can proceed to use this software. Needed period is unknown, the longer you do the more correct data will become, but it has diminishing returns.


Inside key-ordering.json is json array that represents how easy, each key, is to press. Starting from 1 to 30. Most common key will be placed in spot of number 1 and least used key will be placed in spot of number 30. You can adjust it as you please but do not make duplicates.

Place your log in same directory with name logkeys.log.

Then run software using ./main. It should create file output.json with generated layout. If you make newline every 10 characters it will be easier to understand.

Enjoy your wicked but perfectly optimized layout :)