
A plugin that adds a new class to your server named "Serpent's Hand". This class works with the SCPs to eliminate all other beings. They have a chance to spawn instead of a squad of Chaos Insurgency.


EXILED must be installed for this to work.

If you have AdminTools installed, make sure you set admin_god_tuts: false in your EXILED config.

Place the "SerpentsHand.dll" file in your sm_plugins folder.


  • Uses the tutorial model for this class
  • Class has a configrable percent chance to spawn instead of chaos
  • A custom spawn location
  • Commands to spawn individual members and a squad manually
  • Announcements for a squad of Serpent's Hand spawning, as well as one for chaos spawning to let the players know which one spawned
  • Custom API for other plugins to interact with, see this page for API usage.


Config Value Type Default Value Description
sh_spawn_chance 1-100 50 The percent chance for a squad of Serpent's Hand to spawn instead of chaos.
sh_entry_announcement String SERPENTS HAND HASENTERED The announcement to be played when Serpent's Hand are spawned, sentences must be written exactly to work with CASSIE's available phrases (Ex. serpents hand . number two hundred and thirty two), all phrases can be found here.
sh_ci_entry_announcement String The annoumcement to be played when Chaos spawn instead of Serpent's Hand, same rules as the other announcement config apply.
sh_spawn_items List 21, 26, 12, 14, 10 The item IDs that Serpent's Hand members should spawn with. A full list of item IDs can be found here.
sh_friendly_fire Boolean False Should SCPs and Serpent's Hand be able to hurt eachother. This includes 106's pocket dimension, with this disabled, Serpent's Hand members will never die no matter which exit they take in the Pocket Dimension.
sh_teleport_to_106 Boolean True When a Serpent's hand member escapes the Pocket Dimension, should they teleport to 106 instead of spawning at his chamber.
sh_scps_win_with_chaos Boolean True Set this to false if Chaos do not win with SCPs on your server.
sh_health Integer 120 How much health Serpent's Hand members will have.
sh_max_squad Integer 8 The maximum number of Serpent's Hand members allowed to spawn.
sh_team_respawn_delay Integer 1 The amount of team respawns that must occur before Serpent's Hand can spawn.


Command Value Type Description
SPAWNSH Player Name / SteamID64 Spawns the specified player as Serpent's Hand.
SPAWNSHSQUAD Squad Size Spawns a Squad of Serpent's Hand, if no size is specified it will default to 5. This will trigger the squad spawn announcement.