E2E-MLT - an Unconstrained End-to-End Method for Multi-Language Scene Text
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Affine grid parameters to crop predicted Bounding Boxes without transformation
#79 opened by AniketGurav - 2
All loss values become nan
#78 opened by AniketGurav - 2
Is englist scene text supported?
#58 opened by liutianling - 2
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the problem about process_boxes
#70 opened by duxiangcheng - 7
Error While running demo script
#64 opened by ashishgupta2598 - 1
Data Link not working
#76 opened by RamanHacks - 2
#55 opened by ZDDEAN - 0
can i convert the model by torchscript?
#75 opened by jackft2 - 0
train_ocr.py training details
#73 opened by mohammedayub44 - 6
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Cannot compile nms: */E2E-MLT-master/nms
#59 opened by liutianling - 0
Missing license
#66 opened by michielree - 1
What is the structure of the dataset?
#71 opened by thcheung - 4
The problem of "-ocr_feed_list" config
#65 opened by duxiangcheng - 1
the problem of seg_loss
#67 opened by duxiangcheng - 1
the problem about input_size
#69 opened by duxiangcheng - 0
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How to evaluate E2E-MLT?
#63 opened by MiTeng0215 - 3
RuntimeError: Cannot compile nms:
#62 opened by MiTeng0215 - 0
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Need English Result instead of Chinese
#60 opened by Rubseena - 3
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Character-level boxes
#57 opened by ThisIsIsaac - 3
A confidence value for evaluation?
#56 opened by shin7 - 2
Read by image instead of read by videocapture
#50 opened by hai19991331 - 0
Specific format of annotation
#54 opened by xxxpsyduck - 0
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The ocr loss come to nan
#53 opened by GlowingHorse - 1
what does geo_type mean
#48 opened by ygean - 1
seg_loss: -1.101
#42 opened by chenjun2hao - 2
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get error codes when run demo.py
#51 opened by ShaneYS - 3
per-feature text/no-text confidence score
#44 opened by kei6 - 1
Evaluate Error nms
#47 opened by AmrMaghraby - 2
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score_map vs. training_masks
#43 opened by kei6 - 1
Vertical text recognition
#38 opened by kei6 - 3
th13 = (2 * xc - input_W - 1) / (input_W - 1)
#41 opened by chenjun2hao - 4
about codec.txt
#40 opened by ustczhouyu - 1
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory
#37 opened by shin7 - 0
#39 opened by DevelMayCry-MrChen - 2
Need help to understand pts=np.roll(pts, 2)
#36 opened by kei6 - 1
Detect rectangle box only
#35 opened by kei6 - 3
What does label named ### mean?
#34 opened by kei6 - 6
why my loss is negative and 0.000000
#29 opened by fuyunfuyun666 - 3
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build_docker.sh not work
#31 opened by kei6