Events Booking app
- apache version 2.4.56
- PHP version 8.2.4
- MySQL version 8.2.4
Copy ProjektMJ in the xampp/htdocs folder and grant permissions for reading/writing to the file EventsBooking/config/config.php and sql/insert.php
Start apache and MySQL in xampp
Create an empty database in phpMyAdmin, e.g. events and encoding utf8mb4_general_ci
Enable http://localhost/ProjektMJ in your browser
After the project installer opens, fill in the fields as follows:
Server address: localhost
Username: root
Database name: (Enter the name of the empty database that we created in step 3. In our case, "events")
Admin account:
Name: what we want, e.g. trial account
Login: what we want, e.g. Admin
Password: what we want, e.g. Admin
After correct installation, click on the button "Go to the main page"
Log in with the admin account that we created in step 5: login: admin password: admin
Michal Jozwiak
- bootstrap (version 5.2.3)