
Code for the IMC-prosperity competition.

Primary LanguagePython

IMC Prosperity Trading Algorithm

This repository contains code developed by the team Zahcheesha for the IMC trading competition. Our algorithm secured 57th place competing against over 7000 teams (top 1%). In addition, we have developed a versatile simulator to test trading strategies without the need for official game access.


To install the necessary packages, use pip with the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The code has been tested with Python 3.11.0.

Running the Simulation

To execute the simulation, enter the following command in your console:

 python -m simulator.simulator_test trader <csv_filename_with_round_data> <csv_filename_with_trades_data>

Replace <csv_filename_with_round_data>, and <csv_filename_with_trades_data> with the appropriate values.

For example, to run the simulation with a sample trader, you can use the following command:

python -m simulator.simulator_test trader datasets/island-data-bottle-round-4/prices_round_4_day_1.csv datasets/island-data-bottle-round-4/trades_round_4_day_1_nn.csv 

Code Organization

The code is organized as follows:

  • trader.py: Implements the trader logic
  • datamodel.py: Defines basic data models used in trading
  • products: This directory holds the implementation of specific products
  • strategies: This directory contains implementations of strategies employed across multiple products
  • helpers: This directory houses helper functions utilized during the parameter tuning process
  • simulator: This directory comprises the code for the game simulator that allows for strategy testing without official game access