
How localIdentName setting for css-loader can influence overall build size

Primary LanguageCSS


Project created to experiment how localIdentName setting for css-loader can influence overall build size.

default [hash:base64] [hash:base64:12] [name]-[hash:base64:5] [local]-[hash:base64:5]
css + js 327 (78 + 249) 308 (68 + 240) 300 (64 + 236) 330 (79 + 251)
css + js (gzip) 107 (28 + 79) 91 (20 + 71) 81 (15 + 66) 92 (23 + 69)

Those results poof only that localIdentName has significant influence on the build size, not that [name]-[hash:base64:5] is the best config. Experiment with your project and test the outcome.


Play with generate.js to manipulate how classes are generated.

node generate.js


git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/MichalZalecki/react-boilerplate-lite project
cd project
cp .env-example .env
npm install


npm start                   # start server
npm run start:dashboard     # start server using webpack-dashboard
npm run build               # production build (remember to build with NODE_ENV=production)