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The application is a Task Manager, which allow the user to create, modify and delete its own tasks. Each task has a deadline date, which will turn the task card color into red if the task is not completed before that date. Further, the app features a login system.

Application screenshots

app_screenshot5 app_screenshot4 app_screenshot3 app_screenshot2 app screenshot

How to run


To run this software, it is required a system installation of maven along with docker and docker-compose with version at least 2.1

Before the software execution we must allow to display the GUI through docker container. To accomplish, prompt in any shell the following command

xhost +local:root

Then to build the jar file prompt

mvn package [-DskipTests]

To start the application prompt

[sudo] docker compose up

Once the application is stopped, to revert the permission to execute GUI applications through docker container prompt

xhost -local:root