
Save information of online products such as name, price and link in an organized way. Filter bars make it easier for you to scan through your list of products and find specific ones.

Primary LanguageCSS

Link Saver


Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

💻 Project

This Link Saver makes it easier for users to save information of online products such as name, price and link in an organized way. After products have been added to a list, the users can search for specific products on the list or even organize them by price with the help filter options.

🚀 Stack & Tools Used:

  • React.js
  • Local Storage
  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • PostgreSQL

Future implementations:

  • Add user authentication
  • Notification of price change and product availability

How to use?

Link to the Backend

Download this repository

Create a .env file and add the following keys to it:

REACT_APP_SERVER_URL_LOCAL = your_own_server_url

(replace the value from the key above with your own)

In the project directory, run the next command:

To install dependencies and node_modules:
npm install
To start the application:
npm start
To see a live demo of this project, click here


  • Michel Pomerantzeff