
React-firebase-hook facilitates the management of user state keeping track of when they are logged in or logged out. Stripe API deals with creating and accepting card payment sources. Firebase for relational database schema allows for easy retrieval of product and order data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie App


💻 Project

React-firebase-hook facilitates the management of user state, keeping track of when they are logged in or logged out. Stripe API deals with creating and accepting card payment sources. Firebase for relational database schema allows for easy retrieval of product and order data.

🚀 Stack & Tools Used:

  • React.js
  • React Router Dom
  • Reducer
  • Context API
  • Styled Components
  • OMDb API
  • Local Storage
  • Firebase
  • Stripe

Future implementations:

  • Add geolocation API to locate user's address.

How to use?

Download this repository

In the project directory, run the next command:

To install dependencies and node_modules
npm install
To start the application:
npm start
To see a live demo of this project, click here


  • Michel Pomerantzeff