Authentication Microservice - Internet Applications Project

The Authentication Microservice part of the final project for Internet Applications course held at Polytechnic University of Turin by Prof. Malnati and Prof. Servetti (a.y. 2016/2017).


This microservice requires authentication just for request to the endpoint /password.

Authentication is based on a token (JWT), obtained by providing the right credentials to the the endpoint /login.

The authentication token must be placed in the http request as Authorization header:


If a wrong authentication token is provided, a 401 Unauthorized code is returned.

REST Services

API Method Req. body Query params Status Resp. body Meaning
/login POST LoginCredentials 200 Get an authentication token in the Authorization header of the http response
400 Login data are not valid, bad request
401 Login credentials are wrong, bad request
/signup POST SignupCredentials 200 Register a new user
400 Signup data are not valid, bad request
409 A profile for the same username or nickname already exists
/activate POST ActivationToken token 200 Activate a new account
400 Token not valid, activation failed
/authenticate POST token 200 Authenticate a user given a token
401 Token not valid, activation failed
/password PUT Password 200 Update the user password
400 Password is not valid, bad request