Advanced CSS and Intro to JavaScript



  • use objects to store and access data
  • learn to create methods on objects, and utilize the this keyword


You've been contracted by a restaurant to start building out their website. Before you work on any of the styling, you need to organzine your data in JavaScript. In this challenge you will work with different objects, constructors, and arrays of objects to manipulate data.


Task 1: Set up Project

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone your forked version of the repo
  3. cd into your repo and create a branch with your first and last name
  4. open the terminal in your vs code and type npm install
  5. next type npm run test:watch in your terminal
  6. Complete your work making regular commits, once you have all your tests passing and you are ready to submit your work please see canvas for instructions on how to submit

Task 2: MVP

Find the file index.js and complete the tasks until your returns look like the expected returns. Do not use any of the forbidden methods!

Task 3: Stretch

There are several stretch goals inside index.js. You may work on these once you have finished MVP requirements for the day!


Why aren't my results showing up in the console?

Make sure you are invoking your function after defining it in order to view results in the console.


Submission format

Follow these steps for completing your project.

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge Branch into master (student's Repo). Please don't merge your own pull request.