An iOS app that uses the free api.
###Step 1:
- Initialize pods to get a podfile
pod init
- Add AFNetworking to the podfile
pod 'SVProgressHUD'
- Run pod install command
pod install
###Step 2:
- Add an object
- Properties: name, capital, population
- Add initWithDictionary
- Add a CountryController
- Add a getCountriesWithName: method with a completion handler
- (void)getCountriesWithName:(NSString *)name completion:(void (^)(NSArray *countries))completion;
- The method should create an NSURLSessionDataTask and then parse the response
###Step 4:
- Add an interface to the viewController
- IBOutlet for a textField in order to populate the search
- IBAction to trigger the search from a button
- Trigger SVProgressHUD to display
- In the search method call the getCountries method
- You'll need to escape the string
- IBOutlets for labels to display the country found (name, capital, population)
- In the completion of the search update the labels and turn off the SVProgressHUD display