
These are some of my personal dotfiles. Enjoy!

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

MichiK's dotfiles

This is my personal repository of dotfiles that I work with. I keep it here to have a backup of all my carefully crafted settings and configurations as well as to be able to quickly get all my stuff set up in a new environment.

Feel free to have a look into all the stuff and use it directly or let it inspire you for your own work. If you like it and meet me at a conference, you may buy me a beer.

The dotfiles come with a small set of simple installer shellscripts. After cloning the repository, just execute ./install.sh and watch the magic happen. The script has a few safeguards in place, so in theory, it should not overwrite any files that are already present. However, please use caution, unforseen things may happen, so run it at your own risk. No backup, no mercy!

If you discover any problems with the installer script or with the dotfiles themselves, issues, or even better, pull requests are always welcome.