
ROS Tutorials in C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

ROS Beginner Tutorials- Week 10 HW Branch


In this project, simple ROS publisher and subscriber were implemented in C++. The publisher and subscriber nodes were designed as explained in the ROS tutorials. The publisher node was modified to publish a custom string instead of the one given by the tutorial.

The communication between nodes is done with a service that can be found in the srv folder. The package was updated by adding the service code in the talker node so that when commanded, the published string changes by using the service.

A launch file was added to run both nodes at same time. An argument to change the publisher frequency was also added in the launch file and in the code.

Lastly, the logging levels INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR and FATAL have been used in the package.


  • ROS Kinetic
  • Catkin
  • roscpp package
  • std_msgs package
  • genmsg package

How to build

  • Create a catkin workspace if it was not created previously:
mkdir ros_ws
cd ros_ws
mkdir src
  • Clone the repository and build the package:
cd ros_ws
cd src
git clone -b Week10_HW https://github.com/MichiMaestre/beginner_tutorials.git
cd ..

How to run

  • In a first terminal run:
  • In a second terminal:
cd ros_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun beginner_tutorials talker frequencyvalue

frequencyvalue is the only argument of the node and has to be an integer value. The terminal should output messages similar to:

[ INFO] [1509468152.573652817]: Michi's custom string 315

  • In a third terminal:
cd ros_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun beginner_tutorials listener

The terminal should output messages similar to:

[ INFO] [1509468152.574110066]: I heard: [Michi's custom string 315]

How to call the service

  • Once both nodes are running in separate terminals as described above, check in another terminal that the service is being detected. rosservice list should output a few services and /change_string should be listed.

  • Now run the following commands to call the service and change the string to be published (stringName is the message to be published):

cd ros_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosservice call /change_string stringName

The talker and listener terminals should output now the new message.

How to run using launch file

  • To run the package with a launch file, first close every terminal related to this package (including roscore).

  • Now run the following commands in the terminal:

cd ros_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch beginner_tutorials tutorial.launch frequency:=5

where frequency is the argument that changes the publisher frequency. The value 5 is just an example and it can be changed for whatever other integer value.

  • Once the roslaunch command is executed, another terminal will be opened with the listener output. The first terminal outputs the talker node's output.