
A bioinformatics base library

Can be used for modelling and manipulating

  • sequences
  • probes
  • taxonomy
  • alignments

Example use cases

Sequence creation from scratch

Sequences can be created in several ways. Here are a few.

Simply pass a String or StringBuilder object to an appropriate method of SequenceFactory. The factory method will determine the sequence3 type based on the raw sequence.

String raw = "atggatctttctttcactctttcggtcgtgtcggccatcctcgccatcactgctgtgattgctgtatttattgtgat";
Sequence sequence = SequenceFactory.createSequence(raw);
System.out.println("created sequence = " + sequence);

will output

created sequence = UNNAMED SEQUENCE

Or if you know the sequence type, use the overloaded method

String raw = "atggatctttctttcactctttcggtcgtgtcggccatcctcgccatcactgctgtgattgctgtatttattgtgat";
Sequence sequence = SequenceFactory.createSequence(testSeqDNAone, SequenceType.DNA);
sequence.setSequenceName("New Sequence");

will output

New Sequence

Of course, you can also use the type specific constructors, but then you'll have to make sure you have legal (e.a. correct alphabet), uppercase String variables:

DnaSequence dnaSeq = new DnaSequence(testSeqDNA);
RnaSequence rnaSeq = new RnaSequence(testSeqRNA);

Sequences are immutable for their sequence property, so you can only change sequences by creating a modified copy. Here are two ways to get a subsequence.

sequence.setSequenceName("Mighty big sequence");
Sequence subSeq = sequence.getSubSequence(0, 10);
//or, with a coordinates object
Sequence subSeq2 = sequence.getSubSequence(new SequenceCoordinates(0, 10));


will output

Mighty big sequence [FROM 0 TO 10]

Note that subsequencing follows Java substringing conventions: zero-based and from--to-but-not-including.

Reading sequences from file

Reading from file always involves the SequenceReader class. It can determine the file type (sequence format) dynamically, or -preferred- you specify the sequence type through the constructor (which is less error-prone of course). Reading sequences from file will always return SequenceObject instances.

Reading can be done in two ways: streaming and batch (whole file). When registering a SequenceReaderListener, streaming will be used. When no listener has been registered, bacth-processing is assumed.

The general form is this

SequenceReader reader = new SequenceReader(SequenceObjectType.YOUR_FORMAT, YOUR_FILE(S));;

Currently, only Fasta, GenBank and GFF3 are supported.

Fasta streaming

All sequence formats support streaming processing. Simply register a listener and get notified whenever a new sequence is ready.

SequenceReader reader = new SequenceReader(fastaFile);
reader.addSequenceReaderListener(new SequenceReaderListener() {
    public void sequenceRead(SequenceObject sequenceObject) {
        System.out.println("sequence = " + (Sequence)sequenceObject);
    public void sequenceReadingFinished() {

Fasta in batch

Reading Fasta sequences will return SequenceObject instances that can be directly cast to Sequence instances.

File fastaFile = new File("sample_data/dna_sequences_4.fa");
assertTrue(fastaFile.exists() && fastaFile.canRead());
SequenceReader reader = new SequenceReader(fastaFile);;
ArrayList<SequenceObject> sequenceObjects = reader.getSequenceList();
for (SequenceObject seq : sequenceObjects) {
    //since Fasta has been read, a direct cast to sequence is possible

Processing the Fasta description line into an Annotations object

The Fasta description line, which has this form: gi|15215093|gb|AAH12662.1| Fhit protein [Mus musculus] can be processed into an Annotations object, using a static method of the Annotations class:

String line = ">gi|15215093|gb|AAH12662.1|TAXID|123456| Fhit protein [Mus musculus]";
Annotations a = Annotations.fromFastaDescriptionLine(line);

will give

Annotations{annotations={description=[Fhit protein], organism=[Mus musculus], accession number=[gi|15215093, gb|AAH12662.1, TAXID|123456]}}

The annotations can be processed while reading from file by setting this flag on the SequenceReader object: reader.setParseFastaHeader(true);


GenBank entries are also read

SequenceReader reader = new SequenceReader(SequenceObjectType.GENBANK_SEQUENCE, genbankFile);;
//I know there is only one GenBank entry in the file
GenbankEntry gbEntry = (GenbankEntry)(reader.getSequenceList().get(0));
System.out.println("GB Sequence entry:\n" + gbEntry);
System.out.println("\nnumber of genes = " + gbEntry.getElementList(SequenceElementType.GENE).size());
System.out.println("\nnumber of CDSs = " + gbEntry.getElementList(SequenceElementType.CDS).size());
System.out.println("\nnumber of rRNAs = " + gbEntry.getElementList(SequenceElementType.RRNA).size());
//Iterate the features
for (SequenceElementType type : gbEntry.getSequenceElementTypeList()) {
    for (SequenceElement element : gbEntry.getElementList(type)) {
        System.out.println("TYPE=" + type + "; CLASS=" + element.getClass().getSimpleName() + " ELEMENT=" + element);

Manipulating nucleic acid sequences

Nucleic acid sequences can be complemented and revers complemented. Ambiguous nucleotides are supported.

NucleicAcidSequence dnaSeq = new DnaSequence("atggatctttcttaaa".toUpperCase());
System.out.println("dnaSeq = " + dnaSeq);
NucleicAcidSequence compl = dnaSeq.complement();
System.out.println("compl = " + compl);

DnaSequence ambiguousDna = new DnaSequence("ARWYGCTAN");
System.out.println("ambiguousDna = " + ambiguousDna);
DnaSequence ambRevCompl = (DnaSequence)ambiguousDna.reverseComplement();
System.out.println("ambRevCompl = " + ambRevCompl);

will output





ORF finding and translation

With nucleotides you can either find Open Reading Frames (ORFs) or translate them.

To do ORF finding, you need to pass a GeneAnalysisOptions object together with the sequence to be analysed. Call GeneAnalysisOptions.getDefaults() to get an object with default values.

GeneAnalysisOptions geneAnalysisOptions = new GeneAnalysisOptions();
OrfFinder orfFinder = new OrfFinder(dnaOne, geneAnalysisOptions);
List<OpenReadingFrame> orfs = orfFinder.getOrfList();
for (OpenReadingFrame orf : orfs) {

To translate a single sequence between two positions:

StringBuilder translation = OrfFinder.doTranslation(1, dnaOne, 8, 56, "");
System.out.println("translation = " + translation);

To get a 3- or 6-frame translation, follow this use case

String[] translation = OrfFinder.doSixFrameTranslation(dnaOne);
for (String line : translation) {
M  D  L  S  F  T  L  S  V  V  S  A  I  L  A  I  T  A  V  I  A  V  F  I  *  K  D
 W  I  F  L  S  L  F  R  S  C  R  P  S  S  P  S  L  L  *  L  L  Y  L  F  K  K
  G  S  F  F  H  S  F  G  R  V  G  H  P  R  H  H  C  C  D  C  C  I  Y  L  K  R
  H  I  K  R  E  S  K  R  D  H  R  G  D  E  G  D  S  S  H  N  S  Y  K  N  L  F  I
    S  R  E  K  V  R  E  T  T  D  A  M  R  A  M  V  A  T  I  A  T  N  I  *  F  S
   P  D  K  K  *  E  K  P  R  T  P  W  G  R  W  *  Q  Q  S  Q  Q  I  *  K  F  L