
Starter scripts for the Blight Compliance Challenge

Primary LanguagePython


Starter scripts for the [https://inclass.kaggle.com/c/detroit-blight-ticket-compliance](MDST Blight Ticket Compliance Challenge)


  • Install dependencies: pip install numpy pandas sklearn
  • Clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:MichiganDataScienceTeam/blight-compliance.git

To run starter_script.py

  • Make a data directory: mkdir data
  • Download train.csv and test.csv from the Kaggle page into data
  • Run the script: python starter_script.py
  • Submit the benchmark submission: data/submission_RF_R.csv

To run starter_heatmap.py

  • Make a data directory: mkdir data
  • Download addresses.csv and latlons.csv from the Kaggle page into data
  • Run the script: python starter_heatmap.py
  • Open in your browser data/blight_tickets.html